Cloth factory - Josef Königsberger
Josef Nathan Königsberger was born in Krefeld on February 17, 1837. His parents were Nathan Loeb Konigsdorfer and Johanna Herz Königsberger,née Reifenberg. He was married to Jeanette Königsberger,née Feibes, born May 20, 1845 in Lengerich.She was the daughter of Feibes Jacob and Elfriede Feibes of Lengerich. Josef Nathan and Jeanette Königsberger had 9 children. Karl Königsberger, born on January 20, 1872 was deported from Düsseldorf to Theresienstadt on July 25, 1942 and died in the Theresienstadt ghetto on January 18, 1943.
Hat factory - Moritz Ladder
In the address book of the city of Augsburg from the year 1920 are the following entries: Moritz Leiter, Fa., ( Inh.: Max u. Kath. Leiter ), Band-, Putz-Seidenwaren u. Modewarengeschäft., Bürgermeister Fischer Straße B 239/0 u. I. - Leiter Katharina, Kaufmann-Wittwe, Teilh. b. Fa. Moritz Leiter, Prinzregentenstr. 7/I. - Leiter Max, Kaufmann..,Partner of the firm: Moritz Leiter, Bürgermeister Fischer Stra;e B 239/ III. - Manager Jul., merchant, Prinzregentenstr. 7/I, - Manager Karl, merchant, Prinzregentenstr. 7/I.