Law office - Kurt Bauchwitz

Complete profile

Kurt Bauchwitz was born in Sangerhausen on January 27, 1881. His parents were Isidor Bauchwitz and Ida Bauchwitz, née Jüdel. Kurt Bauchwitz had 10 brothers and sisters. He himself was a lawyer and notary public by profession. Kurt Bauchwitz was married to Frieda Bauchwitz née Badt,born on 28.10.1891. - died on. 16.04.1940. The couple had 1 daughter - Charlotte, born on 11 April 1915 in Halle. Presumably as a result of the Reich Pogrom Night, Kurt Bauchwitz was taken to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. He was there until 16 December 1938 and was assigned to earthworks.

Law office - Dr. Gerhard Danziger

Complete profile

In the Berlin address book 1923 the following information can be found: Danziger Gerhard, Dr. jur., Landgerichtsrat, W15, Schaperstraße 22. - Dr. Gerhard Danziger was Landgerichtsrat and since 1929 lawyer at the Kammergericht.allerdings befilte Him as well as all other Jewish lawyers by the law for the restoration of the professional civil service of April 7, 1933 a professional ban. On April 10, 1933, Dr. Gerhard Danziger applied for re-admission, which was granted due to his participation in the war in the years 1914 - 1918.