Wholesale of cereals - Julius Mecca

Complete profile

Julius Mecca was born on January 16, 1843 in Neisse (Nysy). His parents were Salomon Simon Meyer Mecca and Caroline Mecca,née Ginsberg. Julius Mecca was married to Olga ( Rachel) Mecca, née Fränkel. The couple had two daughters - Lina, née Lewandoski, born 2.2.1875 and Dorothea, née Mosberg, born 1877. Louis Mecca died on 20.10.1915 in Kassel. Olga Mecca died in 1935.Lina Lewandowski was murdered on  13 May 1943 in Sobibór, Lublin. Dorothea Mosberg was murdered in Riga in December 1941.

Oils, varnishes and paints factory - M. & S. Meyerfeld

Complete profile

In the address book of the city of Köln are the following entries: M. & S. Meyerfeld   (Max Meyerfeld), Öle,- Lacke,- und Farbenfabr., Ehrenf., Overbeckstr.38.  - Meyerfeld Max (E), see above, Spichernstr. 46 II. - Moses Max Meyerfeld was born on July 8, 1878 in Spangenberg. His parents were Ruben Meyerfeld from Treysa and Bertha Oppenheimer from Heiligenstadt. He had two sisters - Rosalie/Sara Meyerfeld, born October 20, 1876 and Sofia Selma Meyerfeld, born January 10, 1880.

Teacher - Otto Bregenzer

Complete profile

In the city address book Nuremberg from the year 1937 the following entries are found: Bregenzer Otto, teacher (ret.), Hirtengasse 19.II.  - Bregenzer Grete, Lebensmittel, Schreib- und Rauchwar. W, Fürther Straße 85a.  - Otto Bregenzer was an elementary school teacher by profession and was retired because of his Jewish ancestry.

Linen wholesaler, blue dyeing and mechanical finishing - August and Mrs. Rothschild

Complete profile

In the address book of the city of Köln from 1889 find the following entries: Rothschild Aug. & Fr. (August and Fritz), Leinengro;handlung, Blaufärberei und mechan. Appretur-Anstalt, Trankgasse 39  - Rothschild Aug. Theilhaber vorst. Company, Trankgasse 39  - Rothschild Fritz, Theilh. of Aug. & Fr. Rothschild, Salierring 55.

Hackesches Court Theater

Complete profile

A quarter of the tenants in the Hackesche Höfen at the beginning of the Third Reich were of Jewish origin. From 1912 to 1933, the home for girls of the Berlin chapter of the Jüdischer Frauenbund (founded in 1904) was located there, and social work was one of its most important fields of work. Here, single, gainfully employed young girls could find accommodation for little money. At that time, many Eastern European Orthodox Jews/Jüd:innen fled the Russian pogroms and brought Yiddish theater and music to Berlin.*