Youth and educational home Wolzig

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Spreenhagener Straße 1
15754 Heidesee

52.2701128, 13.8340586

The youth and educational home of the German Jewish Community Federation located in Wolzig is of great historical importance. The home stood for tolerance towards Judaism, was able to accommodate a large number of Jewish youth for centuries until the National Socialists came to power in 1933, and played an important role in social and economic life. It was the only German state-approved welfare educational home that maintained the ritual acts from Jewish customs and in this way commemorated the heyday of Jewish life. During their stay in the home, the young people received the education they needed for life after emigration to Palestine. This systematic preparation of Jews for the settlement of Palestine was carried out in Wolzig by the Hachshara group, although other groups were also part of the staff.

On February 27, 1933, a troop of SA and SS soldiers appeared to arrest two senior employees of the home on false charges, but this did not succeed due to the absence of the two men. The next attempt to close the home on 11 May 1933 also failed. In the third attempt, on June 1, 1933, some of the 150 SA men who had arrived succeeded in their plan to hide weapons, communist writings and pictorial material directed against the Third Reich in the home, and thereupon the educators and young people were taken to the Oranienburg concentration camp. Subsequently, the building was transferred to a Nazi organization.

Jugend- und Lehrheim (Fürsorgeerziehungsanstalt) des Deutsch Israelitischen Gemeindebundes (2014). Brandenburgisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologisches Landesmuseum.
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