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Groß Breesen (teaching property)

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Founded in May 1936 in Gro&szlig Breesen (today: Brzezno Trzebnica) near Trebnitz as an emigration estate to prepare for North and South America, three two-year courses were completed. However, plans for a joint emigration of all Breeseners to Übersee failed. From the first course many still found an individual way abroad in 1937/1938. On November 10, 1938, the estate was raided by SS men, the male members of the second course, the educators and almost all the foremen were taken to the Buchenwald concentration camp, and a number of things on the estate were destroyed.

Youth and educational home Wolzig

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The youth and educational home of the German Jewish Community Federation located in Wolzig is of great historical importance. The home stood for tolerance towards Judaism, was able to accommodate a large number of Jewish youth for centuries until the National Socialists came to power in 1933, and played an important role in social and economic life. It was the only German state-approved welfare educational home that maintained the ritual acts from Jewish customs and in this way commemorated the heyday of Jewish life.

Hachshara - Camp Rüdnitz

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In Rüdnitz there was a training camp of the Jewish Socialist-Zionist youth movement. There, between 1933 and 1941, Jüdish youths were prepared for their emigration to Palästina, where they received vocational training. In the Nähe of the station were prepared in the time many humans for their emigration.

Landwerk Steckelsdorf expansion

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In 1934, Jewish youths were forbidden to undergo manual or agricultural training. In order to immigrate to Palestine, however, Jews needed such training. For this reason, Hachshara camps were established for Jewish youths, where they could receive such training. In 1933, a Berlin lawyer, Dr. H. A. Meyer, bought an estate in Steckelsdorf to establish a camp for Bachad/Brith Chaluzim Datiim (Bund religiöser Pioniere). There could be accommodated about 30 to 100 people.