Potsdamer Straße 1a
14548 Schwielowsee
52.3509002, 13.013491489758
The country school home of Gertrud Feiertag consisted of six houses. At times, the summer house of Albert Einstein also belonged to them. In the main house were the classrooms, dining hall, dormitories, kitchen and office. The teachers lived in the former coach house.
The Jewish children's and country school home, which Gertrud Feiertag founded, is comparable to a modern boarding school, but she used different methods in education: It is important that the teachers had no real power over the students. There was neither a fixed timetable nor did the teachers alone determine what was taught. The children in the home had a lot of say in the decision-making, project ideas were implemented by students and presented to visitors at the open house.
Due to the persecution of the National Socialists, the teachers were aware that the time in which they could teach was limited. They placed great emphasis on lessons that were essential for survival. They introduced the students to Jewish culture, taught them Hebrew and English, trained them in gardening, agriculture, home economics, and handicraft skills to prepare them for a new life, for example in Palestine. One former student said of her time in the home, "If you're going to be marginalized, you should know where you belong."
The teachers* created a little paradise for the children. All the emergency evacuation plans that were practiced were sold to the kids as a field trip. The children had no idea what was happening in the world outside. The schoolgirl Hanni Strauß, however, fought in the underground against the Nazis. On the run she was caught in Stettin - still on the railroad track she was shot.
In the GDR, the former country school home was used as the Anne Frank Heim and renamed the Gertrud Feiertag Jugendhilfezentrum in 2008. In 1997, the Jewish Claims Conference agreed to the use of the home by a non-profit association
Gertrud Feiertag opens the Jewish children's and country school home in Caputh.
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Attack on the main house.
17. Februar 1935
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Another attack on the country school.
19. Februar 1935
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Destruction of the Jewish children's and country school home.
10. November 1938
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Gertrud Feiertag confirms that she will not be able to continue running the country school.
26. Februar 1939
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Consideration of continued use for difficult-to-educate girls by the district mayor.
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Gertrud Feiertag is murdered in Auschwitz.
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Zu 10. November 1938: Feidel-Mertz, Hildegard, Paetz, Andreas, Ein verlorenes Paradies.
Das jüdische Kinder- und Landschulheim Caputh bei Potsdam(1931-1938) Dokumente einer anderen pädagogischen Praxis, Potsdam 10. November 1994
Zu 17. und 19. Februar 1935: Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv, Rep. 2A Regierung Potsdam II Z Nr. 555, Bl. 165
Zu April 1940: Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv, Rep. 2A Regierung Potsdam II Z Nr. 555, Bl. 151
1. Mai 1931: Papenfuß, Ingeborg, "Hier wird man nie wieder weggehen wollen" Das jüdische Landschulheim in Caputh, NDR Info. SFB/ORB 2002
Zu 26. Februar 1939: Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv, Rep. 2A Regierung Potsdam II Z Nr. 555, Bl. 149
Redaktionell überprüft
Ereignisse LS
: Gertrud Feiertag eröffnet das jüdische Land-Schul-Heim in Caputh.
: Das Haupt-Haus wird angegriffen.
17. Februar 1935
: Das Land-Schul-Heim wird noch einmal angegriffen.
19. Februar 1935
Das jüdische Land-Schul-Heim wird zerstört.
10. November 1938
Gertrud Feiertag sagt, dass sie das Land-Schul-Heim nicht weiterführen kann.
26. Februar 1939
: Der Bürger-Meister vom Bezirk überlegt: Im Land-Schul-Heim sollen Mädchen wohnen.
Ihr Umfeld sagte, sie sind schwer zu erziehen.
: Gertrud Feiertag wird im Konzentrations-Lager Auschwitz ermordet.
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