Leather goods shop - Braumann & Thanhauser
In the Munich address book from 1902 the following entries are found: Thanhauser Sigmund, ( Braumann & Thanhauser ), raw product & leather shop, Schwanthalerstr. 75, shop Goethestr. 7 RG - Braumann Isidor ( Braumann & Thanhauser ), merchant Mozarthstr.14a. - Braumann & Thanhauser Rohprodukt,- u. Lederhandlung, ( owner Isidor Braumann u. Sigmund Thanhauser ), Goethestr. 7 RG. The Hainsfarth-born brothers Sigmund Braumann and Isidor Ensle Braumann and Sigmund Thanhauser were the partners of the leather goods shop Braumann & Thannhauser.
Shoe factory - Ludwig Heimann
Ludwig Heimann founded the company " Schuhwaren en gros " in 1886. For the year 1895 the order and delivery of a steam engine is documented. The company's letterhead is adorned with a silver medal from the Bavarian State Industrial Trade Exhibition in Nuremberg in 1896. In 1906, health reasons led Ludwig Heimann, the founder of the company, to decide to slowly withdraw from the company and hand it over to his nephews Max Landenberger and Wilhelm Heimann.
Chemical products - Weil & Silberschmid
Cap factory - Hat wholesaler - Gebrüder Jochsberger
The brothers Sigmund and Justin Jochsberger operated together since 1919 in Munich, the " hat and Mützenmanufaktur Gebrüder Jochsberger ". On September 30, 1938 the company was deregistered. Sigmund Jochsberger was born on July 29, 1885 in Leutershausen. The unmarried merchant moved to Munich on April 5, 1899. The younger brother Justin Jochsberger was born on October 8, 1893 in Ansbach. He was married to Alice, née Bechhöfer and emigrated to Bolivia in June 1939 with his wife and mother-in-law Frieda Bechhöfer.
Old Jewish cemetery
White and woolen goods - Shop - Isidor Westheimer
In the address book of the city of Munich from the year 1922 the following entry is found: Westheimer Isidor, Weiß- und Wollwarengeschäft, Bayerstraße 5. In the Bayerische Israelitische Gemeindezeitung - issue 01.07.1926 the following entry is found under the heading Personalnachrichten - Beerdigungen und Sterbefälle: 31.5. - Isidor Westheimer, 61 years.
Department store men's clothing store - W. Oppenheimer
The men's clothing store W. Oppenheimer had to sell his business in 1934 as a Jüdischer entrepreneur forced. The house was taken over by an insurance company.
Import foreign tannins & barks & export business - Max Levinstein
In the Berlin address book edition 1890 is the following entry: Max Levinstein, Import ausländ. Tannins and barks and export business, Friedrichstr.110/II, Inh. Max Levinstein.