Rabbinical Museum Braunsbach

Complete profile

The Rabbinical Museum Braunsbach shows the eventful history of the Jewish community of Braunsbach as an integral part of local history as well as the history of the local rabbinical district. It informs in an interactive way about the coexistence, togetherness and antagonism of Jews and Christians during approx. 350 years, from approx. 1600 to 1942. Furthermore, the renewed rapprochement between the Christian population of Braunsbach and the descendants of the former Jewish fellow citizens after the end of the Second World War is presented and still exists today.

Jewish cemetery Hochberg

Complete profile

The Jewish cemetery Hochberg is quite well researched. Because the desquamation of the soft sandstone progressed rapidly, the then municipality of Remseck am Neckar had a photo documentation made as early as 1982. The theologian Ulrike Sill then recorded all 246 gravestones and fragments between 1992 and 1998, recorded the inscriptions and made translations from Hebrew. In particular, she was assisted in this endeavor by Gil Hüttenmeister, a leading Judaist at the University of Tübingen.