Jewish cemetery (Neustadt-Glewe)
Cemetery destroyed. On the site since then is the so-called "Judeneiche".
Marking on the map requires more precise adjustment.
Synagogue (Upper Village)
The former synagogue in the Bopfingen sub-community of Oberdorf is now a listed building. After it was built on the foundation walls of a previous building, the building served for over 100 years as a house of prayer for the Jewish community of Oberdorf. At times the community was so important in Oberdorf that a rabbinate was established there in 1823. Oberdorf was the 8th of a total of 13 rabbinate seats in Wuerttemberg and united the Jewish communities of Aufhausen, Lauchheim and Pflaumloch. The rabbinate had over 1000 members.
Jewish cemetery (Oettingen i.Bay.)
Synagogue Schindersberg (Reichenberg)
Old cemetery (Regensburg)
Jewish cemetery Neheim
Cigarette factory "Problem
Jewish cemetery Pflaumloch
Jewish cemetery
The Jüdische cemetery in Lüdenscheid is listed in the list of listed buildings and monuments in Lüdenscheid as „New Jüdischer Friedhof“ Am Ramsberg under the position 147. The old cemetery was previously located on a plot of land at the corner of Knapperstraße and Lösenbacher Straße. On October 21, 1887, the synagogue community of Lüdenscheid acquired the property Am Ramsberg and prepared it as a burial ground. The old cemetery, however, remained as a grass field, but was only used by the owner of the land, the Issak and Leifmann Lennhoff family.
Restaurant Lebanon
Kosher restaurant, according to an advertisement in "Menorah", 1924, run by Henny Schmuckler