Cheese treatment en gros - Rosenau & Reis
Ez Chaim Synagogue
The Ez Chaim Synagogue was the largest orthodox synagogue in Saxony from 1922 to 1938. It was located in the inner western suburb of Leipzig in a small, inconspicuous alley called Apels Garten. In 1920, the Leipzig Talmud-Thora Association acquired the property. There was already a hall on the site, which had been used as a bicycle and gymnasium in previous years. The hall remained standing and, with the financial support of the fur merchant Chaim Eitingon (1857-1932), the architect Johann Gustav Pflaume (d. 1930) was commissioned to convert the gymnasium into a synagogue.
Fabric and clothing store - Leon Joel
Leon Joel was born in Colmberg on January 28, 1888. His parents were Julius Joel and Sara Joel, née Schwab. Leon Joel had six other siblings, including Karl Amson Joel, grandfather of pop musician and international star Billy Joel. Leon Joel became a member of the Chewra Kadischa in 1922/23, and when Ludwig Dietenhöfer, the community leader for many years, moved to Nürnberg in 1936 übern, Leon Joel took over the office of community leader. Leon Joel was married to Johanna Samuel, a native of Köigshofen.
Julius Joel
Julius Joel was born in Colmberg on October 29, 1850. The parents were Faustus Joel and Mina Joel, née Ullmann. Julius Joel had a house in Colmberg – Am Markt 12. He married Sara Schwab, who was born in Uehlfeld on August 4, 1857. The couple had 6 children – Elsa born August 6, 1885, - Lothan, born October 6, 1886, - Leon,born January 28, 1888, - Karl Amson, the grandfather of „ Billy Joel, born November 20, 1889, - Melitta Frieda,born January 30, 1896.
Cork wholesale and manufacture - Max Oppenheimer
Synagogue in Sensburg (Mrągowo)
The synagogue, built in 1863, was completely destroyed by fire in 1893. It was rebuilt between 1895 and 1896 on the former Gartenstraße (today Roosevelt-Straße). In the Reichspogromnacht 09-10 November 1938 it was probably only looted, but not set on fire. In 1945 a place of worship of the Greek Orthodox Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord was established in the synagogue, which exists to this day.
Banking business - Bernhard Dittmann & Co
Mrągowo Jewish Cemetery (Sensburg)
The Jewish cemetery in Mrągowo (Sensburg) was established in 1859 at today's Brzozowa Street 2. The necropolis was located at the end of the Catholic cemetery, on the land that Justyna Timnik, the mayor's widow, had donated to the Jewish community. Until the cemetery was established, the Jews from Mrągowo (Sensburg) buried their dead in Ryn (Rhine) or Młynów (Upper Mühlenthal). Even before the "Kristallnacht" the cemetery was vandalized.
Jewish cemetery of Toruń (Thorn)
The Jüdish cemetery of Toruń (Thorn) is located in the suburb of Jacob, between ul. Antczaka, ul. Pułaskiego and ul. Konopackich. The exact date of its creation is not known. Most likely, it existed already since 1723.
After the Überfall of the fascist German Wehrmacht on Poland, the Nazis intended to destroy the Jüdische necropolis. These plans were not realized. A realization of the destruction took place only in the period of the People's Republic of Poland under the leadership of the communist Polish United Workers' Party in 1975.