Apartment Martha Trabert

Complete profile

Martha Trabert was born on 19.05.1899 in Grodno (Russia) and died on 05.07.1982 in Pößneck.

She married her husband Alfred Trabert on May 1, 1926 in Pößneck.

Her occupations were grocery saleswoman/market woman and motor vehicle driver in the fruit and vegetable trade Trabert. In 1939 Martha was banned from selling and lost her apartment.

In1942 she was taken into Gestapo custody and then had to do forced labor.

In1943 Martha was sent to the Auschwitz extermination camp and in 1945 to the Ravensbrück concentration camp.

Residence Adolf Mayer

Complete profile

Adolf Mayer was born and grew up in Hanau (Hesse) in 1881, he did a commercial apprenticeship and later held leading positions in various magazine publishing houses.  After the First World War, he came to Pößneck and lived at Kastanienallee 5 with his non-Jüdish wife. Adolf Mayer was the director of the Gerold and Vogel publishing houses, both of which were very modern for their time. In 1936 he had to give up his position and do unskilled work. He  was not deported to the Theresienstadt ghetto until  January 1945, because he was very respected and he had a "German" wife.

Ez Chaim Synagogue

Complete profile

The Ez Chaim Synagogue was the largest orthodox synagogue in Saxony from 1922 to 1938. It was located in the inner western suburb of Leipzig in a small, inconspicuous alley called Apels Garten. In 1920, the Leipzig Talmud-Thora Association acquired the property. There was already a hall on the site, which had been used as a bicycle and gymnasium in previous years. The hall remained standing and, with the financial support of the fur merchant Chaim Eitingon (1857-1932), the architect Johann Gustav Pflaume (d. 1930) was commissioned to convert the gymnasium into a synagogue. 

Fabric and clothing store - Leon Joel

Complete profile

Leon Joel was born in Colmberg on January 28, 1888. His parents were Julius Joel and Sara Joel, née Schwab. Leon Joel had six other siblings, including Karl Amson Joel, grandfather of pop musician and international star Billy Joel. Leon Joel became a member of the Chewra Kadischa in 1922/23, and when Ludwig Dietenhöfer, the community leader for many years, moved to Nürnberg in 1936 übern, Leon Joel took over the office of community leader. Leon Joel was married to Johanna Samuel, a native of Köigshofen.

Julius Joel

Complete profile

Julius Joel was born in Colmberg on October 29, 1850. The parents were Faustus Joel and Mina Joel, née Ullmann. Julius Joel had a house in Colmberg – Am Markt 12. He married Sara Schwab, who was born in Uehlfeld on August 4, 1857. The couple had 6 children – Elsa born August 6, 1885, - Lothan, born October 6, 1886, - Leon,born January 28, 1888, - Karl Amson, the grandfather of „ Billy Joel, born November 20, 1889, - Melitta Frieda,born January 30, 1896.