Leather shop - Lazarus Levite

Complete profile

The roots of the Levite family can be traced back to the end of the 17th century to Unterdeufstetten to Hirsch Loew. His son Sandel Hirsch Levi, born in Unterdeufstetten in 1702, was a cloth, hat and fur merchant in Mönchsroth and died there before 1770. His son David Sandel, born about 1738, cloth merchant in Mönchsroth was the great-grandfather of Lazarus Levite. The parents of Lazarus Levite were David Loew Levite, born 1805 in Mönchsroth - died May 25, 1879 and Sara Levite, née Berliner von Roth, born Dec.1818 - died March 30, 1888. Lazarus Levite owned a leather shop.

The cemetery of Enschede

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The Jews first used a cemetery at the Molenstraat. This cemetery  was demolished in 1947 and replaced by the cemetery on the Kneedweg. When the Kneedweg was full, the cemetery at the Noord Esmarkerrondweg was put into use. In addition, there is still a cemetery at the Hengelosestraat.

The Jewish cemetery of Zeckendorf

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The cemetery was established in 1617 between Zeckendorf and Demmelsdorf. Until the middle of the 17th century, the dead from Bamberg and from many surrounding villages were also buried here.

The cemetery has been damaged several times in recent years and significantly destroyed.  Today, about 600 gravestones are still preserved. It is located about 1 km östlich of Zeckendorf and is difficult to find. The key you get at the municipal administration.
