Synagogue (Aschenhausen)

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Initially, a prayer room was probably established in one of the Jewish apartments. In 1738 a horse stable on the north side of the castle was converted into a first synagogue. For this an annual fee of 2 talers rent per congregation member was to be paid to the local lordship. On April 30, 1841, the synagogue burned down. The nearby bakehouse had gone up in flames, which also destroyed several neighboring buildings, including the Jewish school with the teacher's apartment. For almost 100 years this building served the Jewish community as a religious center.

Jewish cemetery Aschenhausen

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The cemetery is located at the edge of the forest about 150 m west of the village exit below the Leichelberg (reachable via Kirchstraße, signposted). The Jewish cemetery was established at the beginning of the 18th century. The plot was given to the Jewish families as a fiefdom by the local lords for 20 thalers each for 30 years. According to the original regulations, annual fees for the use of the cemetery were 1/4 pound of pepper, 1/4 pound of ground ginger and two nutmegs.

Jewish cemetery Arnstadt

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A brick wall forms the demarcation between the main cemetery and the Jewish cemetery. Already the medieval Jewish community had a cemetery, which is mentioned between 1428 and 1521. It was located in the direction of Holzhausen on Ichtershäuser Straße. Traces of this cemetery have not been preserved. Until 1921 the dead of the Jewish community were buried in Plaue or in other places (especially in home towns of the deceased). The land for the establishment of a Jewish cemetery in Arnstadt was acquired by the Jewish community in 1912.

Prayer room in the Jonas family house

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In the second half of the 19th century, between 1874 and 1877, a first prayer hall could be established in the house of the family of the first community leader Julius Jonas, which was a "friendly, large" hall (report above from 1877). In 1877 there were already three Torah scrolls in the community. The prayer hall was in the house Ritterstraße 7 (building still exists).

Synagogue (Arnstadt)

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The synagogue existing in the Middle Ages stood according to a report of 1521 "in the Erfurtische street, where anitzo the Bartolomäische rear building is' (meant: the property Erfurter street No. 17, rear house). It was probably a stone house, which also served as a dwelling for Jewish families.  On December 29, 1878 - after an assassination attempt and happy return of the German Emperor - a thanksgiving service took place. Teacher Ehrlich gave an address which included, "Merciful God and Father of all people.

Jewish cemetery

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The Arnstadt community had a synagogue (mentioned in 1347 in a partition agreement between Count Günter XXI and the sons of his brother Heinrich) and a cemetery on Ichtershäuser Straße (or Erfurter Straße?, but it is unclear at what time it is mentioned in the Middle Ages - the cemetery is mentioned in 1428 and 1521).

Skins - S. Prager - Casings

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Bernhard Prager has been commemorated since 1959 by "Bernhard Prager-Gasse" (formerly: "Sandgasse"). At his former residence and business house (Bernhard-Prager-Gasse 8; at the building, the old company inscription can be read again since 2018: "Felle - S. Prager - Därme") a commemorative plaque was placed to the right of the entrance in 1988 with the following text: "(Star of David). Bernhard Prager, born 29.6.1888 in Wenings, persecuted because of his jüd. Herkunft, deported by the fascists to the concentration camp Theresienstadt, murdered on 26.9.1944. Never forget them".