Synagogue Mittelgasse (Alsheim)

Complete profile

Mittelgasse 14-16
67577 Alsheim

49.765731, 8.338509

A prayer room existed around 1743, when Jacob David had provided a room in his house for worship and prayer and at the same time donated a Torah.

A synagogue was built in 1842-43 . At that time it was also attended by Jews living in Gimbsheim and Mettenheim. The synagogue accommodated 70 people. The Jewish school with the teacher's apartment and the ritual bath were also connected with the synagogue. Under teacher Karl Marx, the service in the synagogue underwent some reforms. In 1859 an organ (probably harmonium) was installed, which was played for the first time at the "confirmation" (joint bar mitzvah celebration of the cohort) in that year. 1863 is reported  in a report of the liberal "Allgemeine jüdische Zeitung" of "a regulated service with choral singing and instrumental accompaniment" in the Alsheim synagogue - "and everything flourishes under the blessings of concord and peace".

On the history after 1933, respectively, events during the November pogrom in 1938 and after 1945, there is still no information. The building of the former synagogue is  - completely rebuilt in the 1970s - preserved.

Arnsberg, Pauls, Die jüdischen Gemeinden in Hessen. Anfang - Untergang - Neubeginn, Bd. 1, 1971, S. 32-33.
Hakehillot, Pinkas, Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities from their foundation till after the Holocaust. Germany Volume III: Hesse - Hesse-Nassau - Frankfurt. In: Vashem, Yad (Hg.), 1992, S. 68-69.
Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Rheinland-Pfalz/Staatliches Konservatoramt des Saarlandes/ Synagogue Memorial Jerusalem (Hg.), "...und dies ist die Pforte des Himmels". Synagogen in Rheinland-Pfalz und dem Saarland, Mainz 2005, S. 72.
Mahlerwein, Gunter, Alsheim - HALASEMIA. Geschichte eines rheinhessischen Dorfes. Bd. 1. Von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts, Alsheim 1996.
Mahlerwein, Gunter, Alsheim - HALASEMIA. Geschichte eines rheinhessischen Dorfes. Bd. 2. Von der französischen Revolution bis heute, Alsheim 2004. (letzter Zugriff am 20.06.18) (letzter Zugriff am 20.06.18)
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