Residence of the Loewy and Strumpfner families

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Here lived between 1932 and 1942 the Loewy family (also: Löwy): Georg Walter (until 1938), Käthe (née Strumpfner) and Renate.

In addition, the Strumpfner family lived here between 1906 and 1942: Bruno (until 1932) and Hedwig (née Stern). Hewdig ran a store for men's and women's clothing from 1931 to 1938. 

Shoe store Nathan Dannemann

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During the November pogrom in 1938, the still existing Jewish stores and numerous apartments of Jewish families and residents were attacked by SA people and other National Socialists. The housing and store furnishings were smashed, and many of the Jewish residents were mistreated. The Jewish men were arrested and later taken to Buchenwald concentration camp. Here Nathan Dannemann died from the mistreatment.

Rotholz family clothing store

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According to the handbook of the Jewish community administration of 1924/25, the Jewish community in Altenburg also included the Jewish family Ludwig and Alma Rotholz, who lived in Eisenberg and ran a clothing store in Eisenberg since about 1910 (Steinweg 6). After the death of her husband (Ludwig Rotholz, +21.2.1912) Alma Rotholz moved with her business to the corner house Marktgasse 2.
