Old synagogue Obergebraer Straße / corner Gartenstraße (Bleicherode)

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In 1880 the foundation stone for a new synagogue could be laid. The construction was financed by donations (see above report on the death of M. S. Falkenstein). Construction was supervised by Baurat Edwin Oppler from Hanover; he had shortly before built a synagogue in Hameln almost identical to the synagogue in Bleicherode. Master mason Schirmer from Bleicherode carried out the work. On June 1, 1882, the synagogue was consecrated by Professor Heidenheim, a rabbi from Bleicherode. The architecture was essentially characterized by neo-Romanesque forms.

Felix Rothenberg residence

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In the November pogrom of 1938, the synagogue was burned down. The "Aryanizations" of the last Jewish businesses were completed by March 1939. In connection with this, there were four suicides of Jewish persons, including the weaving mill owner Felix Rothenberg (born on October 19, 1939). At the beginning of 1939, 46 Jewish persons were still living in the town; at the beginning of the war (September 1939), according to secret reports of the mayor, there were still 30 persons. In September 1942 the deportation to the East began.