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new Jewish cemetery Dülken

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The älteste cemetery Viersens was established in 1768 and was located on the Venloer Strasse. The cemetery was abolished and is today a green area. After the äolder Jewish cemetery on Venloerstra;e had been closed in 1873, a new Jewish cemetery had been established in the same year on the Kampweg. Burials were held here until 1916. The burial ground, surrounded by a fence and hedges, is not freely accessible today. Preserved are a total of 25 gravestones, these are partly very badly destroyed.


Complete profile

The first Jews settled in Bodenheim after the Thirty Years' War. Around the middle of the 19th century, the community comprised about 120 members, then their number declined due to emigration to about 45 in 1933.

The Jewish cemetery in Bodenheim was used from 1833 to 1937 . Today's cultural monument is located at the southwestern edge of the village, at the extension of the Ebersheimer Weg. The entrance is closed, but at various points through gaps in the hedge you can see the still 43 existing gravestones.

Jewish cemetery Roth (district of Weimar/Lahn)

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The cemetery was the only plot in an otherwise unparceled area used as Huteland. The Roth municipality is entered as the owner in the associated cadastre, i.e. the site was merely made available for use by the Jewish community. No gravestones have survived from this earliest period. In the 19th century Roth, Fronhausen and Lohra formed a synagogue and cemetery community. In 1873, however, the Jews of Fronhausen established their own cemetery on the "Kratzeberg" in Fronhausen.  At the same time, the Rother community expanded the cemetery by more than double to 1646 square meters.

Jewish cemetery Bitburg

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The cemetery is located northeast of the city center, near the B 257 (Dauner/Wittlicher Straße), in the southeast corner of the cemetery on Erdofer Straße, direct access to the Jewish burial ground from Talweg.

On the cemetery, which was used only from the late 19th to the early 20th century, today there are only 5 gravestones (all in the form of obelisks), three with German inscription, dated 1900, 1904 and 1906, one with Hebrew and one without inscription. In memory of the victims of the Holocaust from Bitburg, a memorial plaque with 30 names was erected.

Cemetery Friedhofsweg (Biesenthal)

Complete profile

closed cemetery. one gravestone and fragments of 8 gravestones, one memorial stone



According to Anke Geißler-Grünberg - University of Potsdam (Jewish Cemeteries in Brandenburg)

Name - date of death

Fließ, Jacob - 18.04.1869

Marcus, Fanziska - 10/26/1886

Fraenkel, Zipora - 08/20/1866

(...), Geraldine - no longer legible

Löwenthal, Bernhardt - no longer legible

Löwenthal, Rosalie xx.12.1890


The cemetery of Rodenberg

Complete profile

In 1830, a plot of land of about 1500 square meters on the town beach, at the "Kilianskammer", on today's street "Am Judenfriedhof", was acquired and the cemetery was established. He also served the Jews of the neighboring villages as a burial ground, today there are 99 tombstones preserved, making it the largest Jewish cemetery in the Schaumburg region.