Ostglacis 5
46483 Wesel
In 1880, the cemetery on the East Glacis was purchased. Burials took place from 1881 to 1983.
The cemetery is surrounded by a wall, today there are still about 170 stones on the area. This cemetery was considerably devastated between 1933 and 1945 and gradually restored in recent decades.
In contrast to the "old" cemetery at the Esplanade, the gravestones look rather uniform, almost unadorned and unprosaic. There are many lying gravestones.
On the gravestones of this cemetery there are not, as with the older stones of the other cemetery, predominantly Hebrew inscriptions. Often Hebrew and German inscriptions are on the same side or only German inscriptions. There are only single gravestones which are inscribed exclusively in Hebrew.
Steinheim-institut, Hauptseite
Brocke, Michael: Nur Gräber bleiben mir - Jüdische Friedhöfe in Wesel, Köln 1988
Pracht – Jörns, Elfi: Jüdisches Kulturerbe in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Bachem, Düsseldorf 2000
Prieur, Jutta: Auf den Spuren der Juden in Wesel, Stadtarchiv Wesel 1988
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