
Solr Facette
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Memorial to the Victims of National Socialism at the New Jewish Cemetery

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On November 10, 1947, a first remembrance ceremony for the victims of the Shoah and the official unveiling of the memorial stone took place at the New Jewish Cemetery in the presence of notable representatives of the City of Munich and the Board of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde, as well as hundreds of members of the Jewish community.

Jewish cemetery Teplice-Sobědruhy / Soborten

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The Jewish burial place Teplice-Sobědruhy / Soborten was established in 1669 by Jews from Bohemia. Until 1751, Jews from the neighboring Electorate of Saxony were also buried in Soborten. The Jewish community of Soborten was probably one of the oldest in Böhmen. Approximately 200 gräber have been preserved.


Old Jewish cemetery

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Originally, the Nordhorn Jewish community had two cemeteries, both located on Bentheimer Straße.
The old cemetery at Bentheimer Straße 183 was used until about 1864. In the course of road planning, this cemetery had to be closed - and a new cemetery on the other side of Bentheimer Straße 182b was occupied from 1864, where the graves are aligned to the east or southeast.