Jewish Cemetery Berlin-Weißensee
The Jewish cemetery in the Weißensee district is one of the largest in Europe, with over 115,000 graves. Its "architecturally remarkable" mourning hall was inaugurated in 1880. Numerous Berlin personalities such as the Hebrew writer Micha Josef Bin Gorion (1865-1921) or the painter Lesser Ury (1861-1931) are buried in the approximately 42-hectare cemetery. The layout of the cemetery goes back to the design of the architect Hugo Licht (1841-1923).
Wholesale and retail of velvet, silk, silk house - J. Haimann
Excerpt from the genealogical page of Paul Hugo Haimann
.Paul Haimann was the owner of the silk house J. Haimann, wholesale and retail trade with velvet, silk and relevant articles, at Maximilianplatz 12 (at the Schiller monument), which existed since 1870 and employed about 20 workers and employees. This trade was deregistered on 04.11.1938 for 30.09.1938 and taken over by Theresia Schießl.
Paul Haimann was a court sworn expert for silk, velvet and plush goods.
Hanna Bodenheimer
Helene Adler apartment
Born Jewish, Helene Adler was baptized a Christian in Ulm. Although she was then an Adventist, she was deported to Riga in 1941.