Schlossplatz 5
16515 Oranienburg
The building was built at the end of the 18th century for the court gardener Johann H. Bartsch and acquired by the Jewish merchant and banker Louis Blumenthal in 1875. Louis Blumethal expanded his textile business with the first banking house built in the city. His son Martin Blumenthal continued to run the bank in 1901, after Louis Blumenthal's death, and expanded it to mortgage and insurance business. Since business was good, they were able to expand the building by two axes after 1901 and thus served as the Blumenthal family home. Martin Blumenthal's son Ewald started working at the bank in 1914 and became a partner in the bank in the mid-1920s. Due to bankruptcy (inability to pay), the bank had to be closed in 1929. In 1930 the building was sold to the dentist Dr. Sperber. Until 1945 he used the house as a residence and practice. After it was vacant in 1950, it was used by the city administration until 1956. On June 14, 2008, the Italian restaurant "L'oasi" opened.
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