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Richard, Bertha, Kurt, Marion, Gert and Sonja Steinhart and Jenny Goldschmidt

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Richard Steinhart was born in Merseburg on May 26, 1873. His wife Bertha, née Auerbach, was born on September 1, 1875 in the former German district of Tachau. Richard Steinhart was a merchant and successful owner of the Steinhart department store at Kesselsdorfer Straße 17 in Löbtau, which advertised as follows until 1933: „The efficient shopping center for household and kitchen appliances, leather goods, gift articles, toys, linoleum, men's articles, stockings, handicrafts and jerseys“. The couple had three children: Kurt, Werner and Emilie.

Irma Heymann

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Irma Heymann was born in Augsburg on June 1, 1884. Her parents were the banker Theodor Heymann and Fanny Heymann, née Bachmann. Irma attended the St. Anna elementary school and the A.B. v. Stetten'sche Töchterinstitut in Augsburg. Irma passed the English language exam in 1901 and the French language exam in 1902. In 1903 Irma and her family moved to Munich. In 1907 Irma graduated from the Maximilian-Gymnasium in Munich. For her medical studies Irma Heymann attended the universities in Munich, Heidelberg, Munich, Tübingen and Heidelberg.

Ruth Frischmannova stumbling block

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On September 13, 1944, a satellite camp of the Neuengamme concentration camp was set up in Neugraben on Falkenbergsweg/Neugrabener Heideweg. The camp was home to 500 women, most of whom came from Czechoslovakia. They had been deported to the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp via Theresienstadt. There the SS selected them for work in Hamburg. Their first station in Hamburg was the Dessauer Ufer satellite camp in the free port.

Margarete Gumpel

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Margarete "Grete" Gumpel was born on February 18, 1892. Her parents were Julius Gumpel, born on December 8, 1852 in Bernburg, and Auguste "Gustchen" Gumpel, née Glogowski, born on January 17, 1854 in Jarocin, Poland. Margarete Gumpel had five siblings - Bruno Gumpel, born on September 19, 1881 -  died in 1918 - Gertrud (Udchen) S., married name Reyersbach, born on November 14, 1882 in Berlin - died on April 14, 1942 in Weißenfels (committed suicide before the imminent deportation together with her  husband Siegfried Reyersbach).

Specialist for internal diseases - Dr. Paul Bonem

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The Stuttgart address book 1930 contains the following entry: Bonem Paul, Dr. med., specialist for internal diseases, Schellingstraße 13. 1.  -  Paul Bonem was born on June 21, 1888 in St. Wendel. His parents were Hermann Bonem, born on December 11, 1866 in Neumagen and Delphine Bonem, née Daniel. After his studies and his doctorate in medicine in Heidelberg in 1923, he initially worked at the Institute of Physiology at the University of Heidelberg. He later worked as a specialist in internal medicine at the Katharinenhospital in Stuttgart.

Specialist in surgery and orthopaedics - Edgar Heilbronner

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The Stuttgart address book 1930 contains the following entry: Heilbronner Edgar, specialist in surgery and orthopaedics, Schloßstraße 12A - private residence Am Kräherwald 203/1. - Edgar Jakob Heilbronner was born in Stuttgart on July 19, 1890. After studying medicine at the Universities of Munich, Berlin and Freiburg and passing his medical examination in 1913, Edgar Heilbronner successfully completed his doctorate at the University of Freiburg in 1915.