Apartment of Sigo (Seligmann) Bernheimer
The postcard is from Sigo Bernheimer's one-year voluntary service as a military pharmacist.
Sigo (Seligmann) Bernheimer was murdered in Auschwitz around 1942.
Traditional costume store - Julius and Moritz Wallach
Text of the 1st card - Antwerp, July 20, 1909. - My dear ones. In my, my dear wife's and Claire's name I send you my warmest wishes on the arrival of your son, in whom I hope you will experience much joy. Be so good as to also warmly congratulate dear Betty and husband on their little girl - I have forgotten her address. With best regards - Uncle Moritz. - The sender of the postcard was Moritz Zunsheim, a brother of the mother of Moritz and Julius Wallach, Julie, née Zunsheim. The Betty to be greeted is Betty Epstein, née Wallach, a sister of Julius and Moritz Wallach.
Hebrew language weekly newspaper - Hamagid
Department store - L. Gollowitsch
Synagogue Felsberg
Since 2010, the liberal Jewish community Emet weSchalom, founded in Kassel in 1995, has been based in Felsberg. It is committed to the restoration of the synagogue.