Raw products and metals - Jakob Sternlicht
In the address book of the city of Halle / Saale from the year 1912 can be found under the heading - residents - the following entry: Jabob Sternlicht, begr. 1888, raw products shop and shoe repairs, Old Market 11 (Tel. No. 1946), Inh. Jakob Sternlicht, apartment I.E. - under the heading - trade and business in Halle a. S. by occupation or profession alphabetically - metal - the following entry: Sternlicht, Jakob, Old Market 11.
.New cemetery Bergen Enkheim
Since the old cemetery in Bergen was completely occupied, the new Jewish cemetery on Vilbeler Landstraße was established in 1925 after long discussions in the community parliament. This was used until the end of the Jewish community Bergen-Enkheim in 1942.
Another source states that the cemetery was occupied from 1925 until at least 1936.
From this time there are still about ten gravestones.
Old cemetery Bergen-Enkheim
Bergen and Enkheim have become Frankfurt's easternmost district as a result of municipal reforms.
Around 1330, the first Jews in Bergen can be traced. Even before the Thirty Years' War there was a synagogue, which was destroyed several times and replaced by a larger building in the 19th century.
In the center of Bergen from the second half of the 17th century was the Jewish cemetery, which was replaced by the new cemetery around 1920.
Cloth factory - Süskind & Sternau
In 1887, the Jewish factory owners Siegmund Sternau (1847–1895) from Büren and Albert Süskind (b. 1847) from Oberdollendorf founded the cloth factory „Ritz & Vogel“ in Charlottenstraße and brought their cloth factory „Süskind & Sternau“ from Lothringer Straße in Aachen into the new company as capital.The business flourished and the company quickly developed into one of the largest cloth factories in Aachen.
Wholesale of cloth - Holzinger & Heymann
The cloth wholesale business of Meyer Holzinger and Julius Heymann, which had existed since 1861, was moved from Promenadenplatz 13 to Promenadeplatz 21 in 1874.
In the Adreesbuch of the city of Munich from 1862, the following entry is found: Heymann Julius, merchant, Fürstenfeldergasse 7. - Holzinger Meyer,Tuchhändler en gros, Fürstenfeldergasse 7, store: Promenadenstra;e 13.
Traveler - Bernhard Nattenheimer
In the address book of the city of Fürth from 1895, the following entry can be found: Nattenheimer, Bernhard, Reisender, Bahnhofstra;e 3.
Cemetery in Forst (Lusatia)
The cemetery is located since 1945 in Poland, in the village Zasieki.
The cemetery in Eimelrod
The cemetery is located in the village at the Violinenstrasse. On an area of about 1000 square meters are a few tombstones.
.Cigar wholesaler - Jakob Regensteiner
Jakob Regensteiner was born on 21.10.1864 in Ulm. The parents were Sigmund Regensteiner from Pflaumloch / Ulm and Regina Regensteiner, née Gift from Hainsfarth. The ancestors of Jakob Regensteiner can be traced back in Pflaumloch (Riesbürg) to the 16th/17th century.Jakob Regensteiner married on 23.08.1905 in München Hedwig Regensteiner, née Kahn, born on 12.09.1882 in München, The couple had one son, - Walter Sigmund, born on 22.12.1907 in München. Jakob Regensteiner was a cigar wholesaler.
Manoli cigarette factory
The Manoli cigarette company was one of the first companies to have a corporate design, which was developed by the graphic artist Lucian Bernhard from 1910. The family established the "Jacob and Rosa Mandelbaum Foundation for the Shamed Poor" in Berlin and supported numerous Jewish charities. Bernhard also designed the tombstone of the family grave at the Jewish Cemetery in Schönhauser Allee, where Jacob and Rosa Mandelbaum were buried.