Headquarters "Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens" (C.V.) with "Philo-Verlag" (1905-30)

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The Jewish Museum Berlin, opened in 2001, is located at Lindenstraße 9-14 in Kreuzberg. The baroque Kollegienhaus, once the seat of the Kgl. Kammergericht (Lindenstraße 14), housed the "Berlin Museum" (est. 1962) until 1995. On the fallow land south of Hollmannstrasse (Nos. 19-27), the spectacular extension by Daniel Libeskind was built from 1992/93. The course of Lindenstrasse to the south, towards Neuenburger Strasse, had already been significantly altered during new construction after 1961.

Martha Wygodzinski (1869-1943), the first female doctor in the hospital "Am Urban

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Martha Hedwig Wygodzinski, born in Berlin on July 2, 1869, was a German politician (SPD) and the first female member of the „Berlin Medical Society“. Together with her three sisters, she grew up as the daughter of Nanny and Max Wÿgodzinski in a large, middle-class Jewish family in Berlin-Tiergarten. The father was founder of the "Israelitischen Lehrerinnenheims".

Jacobi commercial building (1912/13 - 1934), today hotel "Orania.Berlin" (since 2017)

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The history of the hotel "Oriana.Berlin" began more than 100 years ago, when the textile entrepreneur and city councillor Leopold Jacobi (1847-1917) planned the construction of a new, representative commercial building at Oranienplatz. Jacobi commissioned the well-known Berlin architectural firm of Wilhelm Cremer and Richard Wolffenstein, who had made a name for themselves in synagogue construction, among other things. The contract was awarded in 1912, and the new office building was ready for occupation in 1913.

Community synagogue Lindenstraße (1891-1939) with memorial "Page / Blatt" (1997)

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The liberal community synagogue at Lindenstraße 48-50 was built from 1890 onwards according to designs by the Berlin architectural firm Cremer & Wolffenstein. It was completed in 1891 and consecrated on September 27 of the same year. The synagogue was located in the backyard. In the front building there were the rabbi's apartment, various offices of Jewish organizations and a religious school. Only a part of the synagogue's facade was visible from the street. As was typical of Berlin synagogue architecture at the end of the 19th century, it combined Romanesque and late Gothic forms.

Hospital "Am Urban" (new building, 1970 - today) with memorial plaque (1988) and open-air exhibition (2020)

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The clinic "Am Urban" (called "KAU" for short, official name: "Vivantes Klinikum Am Urban", colloquially also: "Urban Hospital") is the only hospital in the Berlin district of Kreuzberg and has been operated by the state-owned Berlin hospital operator Vivantes since 2001.

Albert Fraenkel (1848-1916), founding director of the hospital "Am Urban

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Albert Fraenkel (* 10.3.1848 Frankfurt (Oder); † 6.7.1916 Berlin-Grunewald) was a German internist and bacteriologist. He was born the son of the Jewish ironmonger David Fraenkel. His mother was the niece of Ludwig Traube, a professor of internal medicine. [...]

Arndt family

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In 1943, the Jewish Arndt family goes into hiding in various places. The son Joachim Arndt hides in the factory Max Köhler. There he lives in a small corner behind a cupboard. He lived there alone for one and a half years. In February 1945, his sister and mother joined him. A little later, three more people joined them. Now six people live in this small corner. They had to be very careful, otherwise they would be discovered by the staff. Since they often did not have access to the toilet, they had to defecate in a bucket. In April 1945, they were liberated by the Red Army.

Kormes family

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Here lived family Kormes from about 1915 - 1938

1934 expulsion Karl Kormes as 'unpleasant foreigner' by the Nazis, 

After staying in Poland, 1936 via France, the Pyrenees to Spain, fighter with the International Brigades. Internment by the Francists. Prisoner exchange, 1945 Rückehr to Germany as a soldier in the British Army.