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Pastorplatz 1
52070 Aachen

50.771490766417, 6.1032010914089

The stumbling stones of Anne, Margot and Edith Frank:

Anne Frank was a German girl who emigrated to the Netherlands with her parents and sister Margot in 1934 to escape Nazi persecution, and fell victim to the Nazi Holocaust shortly before the end of the war. Her sister Margot Frank, who was three years older, was also a victim of the Holocaust, as was her mother Edith Frank.

The Stolpersteine are a project of the artist Gunter Demnig, which began in 1992. With small memorial plaques laid in the ground, so-called Stolpersteine, the fate of people who were persecuted, murdered, deported, expelled or driven to suicide during the National Socialist (Nazi) era is to be remembered.

Social work and Anne Frank:

Nowadays there are some social institutions such as different types of schools (Gymnasium, Realschule, etc.) that have been named after Anne Frank.

In addition, there are several social engagement projects to remember Anne Frank, her family and the time. The Anne Frank Ambassadors* program, for example, offers young people a space for development, networking, opportunities for further education and self-development through initial engagement experiences led by the Anne Frank Youth Network at the Anne Frank Zentrum. The Anne Frank Zentrum is the German partner organization of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. The center commemorates Anne Frank and her diary with exhibitions and educational programs. It creates places of learning in which children and young people can come to terms with history and connect it with the world in which they live today. They learn to assume social responsibility and to commit themselves to freedom, equality and democracy.

For interested people:

Anne Frank Center, Youth Network, Kathrin Ziemens (Division Manager), Rosenthaler Straße 39, D-10178 Berlin      

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Stolpersteine zum Gedenken an die Familie Frank (Edith, Anne, Margot) in Aachen
Three golden pavers installed in a sidewalk with normal pavers.
21. Juni 2015
Fotografiert von
Thomas Schoch
ggf. Urheber / Künstler
Thomas Schoch
Chantal Schmidt
Bildquelle (Woher stammt das Bild)
ggf. URL,_Aachen.jpg
Public Domain
There are three Stolpersteine in the picture. The upper one is for Edith Frank, the mother of Margot and Anne Frank. Below it on the left is the Stolperstein for Anne Frank and next to it on the right is for Margot Frank.
Anne Frank was a German girl who emigrated to the Netherlands with her parents and sister Margot in 1934 to escape Nazi persecution, and fell victim to the Nazi Holocaust shortly before the end of the war.
The Stolpersteine are a project of the artist Gunter Demnig, which began in 1992. Small memorial plaques laid in the ground, so-called Stolpersteine, are intended to commemorate the fate of people who were persecuted, murdered, deported, expelled or driven to suicide during the National Socialist (Nazi) era.
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