Oesterleinstraße 10
73430 Aalen
Fanny Kahn was born on April 7, 1871 in Rockershausen/Saar. She was married to Ludwig Kahn (marriage 1908), a cattle dealer from Aufhausen near Bopfingen. In Aalen, the couple built a cottage with a small outbuilding. Ludwig Kahn was a soldier in World War 1, came home injured, but then died of a war wound on July 18, 1919. He was buried in the Jewish cemetery in Aufhausen. The marriage of Ludwig and Fanny Kahn remained childless. After the early death of her husband, Fanny Kahn made her living by teaching piano and trading in basketry. On July 14, 1941, Fanny Kahn was forcibly relocated to Oberdorf near Bopfingen. Starting in 1939/1940, the National Socialists in Baden Württemberg began to make towns and villages "free of Jews". The Jews were forcibly relocated to smaller towns and communities that still had a relatively high Jewish population of their own, such as Bad Buchau, Baisingen, Buttenhausen, Haigerloch, Laupheim, Oberdorf am Ipf and Rexingen. All larger towns were striving to become "Jew-free" (Berlin-October 1941). Fanny Kahn was quartered in Oberdorf with the Hilb sisters. On August 22, Fanny Kahn, together with 40 other Jewish citizens, was transported on the last deportation train (there had already been 3 deportation trains) from Stuttgart via Theresienstadt to the extermination camp Treblinka. There Fanny Kahn was murdered on 28 or 29 September 1942 at the age of 71 years.Today, apart from the " Stolperstein für Fanny Kahn ", the " Fanny-Kahn-Weg " still reminds of the former Aalenerin.
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