Ahawas Thora Synagogue Leipzig

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Ahawas-Thora synagogue building destroyed by a bombing Information from the Leipziger Amts-Blatt No. 22 (Volume 12) of November 2, 2002 Temporary memorial sculpture in the form of a 1.6m high light installation, which is to remind Torah scrolls. (10.11. 2002 - 30.11. 2002, artist: Nina K. Jurk) Last use: no information


Old Synagogue Dresden

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The Dresden Synagogue or Semper Synagogue, today also called Old Synagogue was the synagogue of the Jewish community in Dresden, inaugurated in 1840 and destroyed in the November pogrom in 1938. The neo-Romanesque building designed by Gottfried Semper was the first modern synagogue to be uniformly designed inside in orientalizing style and served mainly Edwin Oppler as a model for numerous other synagogue buildings.