Great Synagogue (Erfurt)

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For the new building of the large synagogue at the Kartäuserring the Erfurt synagogue municipality had been able to win the Frankfurt architect Siegfried Kusnitzky, who designed approximately at the same time also the synagogue at the Börneplatz in Frankfurt/Main.

On September 4, 1884, the magnificent brick building was inaugurated. The Erfurt rabbi Dr. Theodor Kroner presided over the festivities.

Synagogue Zittau Lessingstraße

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Different statements in the literature about the location: Lessingstraße 12 (Puvogel, 1999) and Lessingstraße 14 (Arlt, Ehlers et al., 1992), also contradictory statements in the literature about the time of the beginning of use: 1906 (Puvogel, 1999) and "before the turn of the century" (Arlt, Ehlers et al., 1992) Last use: garden