Synagogue Kuntzengasse (Rülzheim)

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The synagogue in Rülzheim was built in 1832/33 by the well-known synagogue architect August von Voit (Bavarian court architect). He also designed the plans of the synagogues in Herxheim, Ingenheim, Kallstadt, Kirchheimbolanden and Speyer. In Rülzheim, it is a late classicist, flat-roofed, two-story hall building with a flat gable roof.

Synagogue Im Entenpfuhl (Mayen)

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Already in the Middle Ages there was a prayer room or a synagogue (called 1313). 
In the 18th century a prayer hall may have been established again. Until 1855 this was in a building in the Keutelstraße. In the middle of the 19th century, the construction of a new synagogue had become urgently necessary due to the rapidly increasing number of Jewish residents. The community was able to acquire a plot of land "Im Entenpfuhl" in 1854 and presumably began building a new synagogue in the same year. 1855 took place the consecration of the synagogue.  

Synagogue Hauptstraße (Rheingönheim)

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A prayer room was possibly already present since 1815. The location is no longer known. A Jewish prayer room in Rheingönheim is documented in writing in 1859. 
On May 15, 1873, the Rheingönheim civic community sold a house at Hauptstraße 67 to the Jewish religious community. The community set up a prayer room and a teacher's apartment in the newly built house. The prayer room was located in the front rooms on the first floor. The teacher's apartment included a living room and kitchen on the first floor and three bedrooms on the 1st floor.  

Synagogue Friedrich-Ebert-Straße / Reiterstraße (Landau)

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The exact location of the medieval synagogue (called 1435) is not known. It was probably located in the area of the then Judengasse, where today the Theaterstraße could run.   
There was also a synagogue in the 17th century (mentioned in 1684), which was probably destroyed in the great town fire of 1689.   
In the 18th century (1742) is mentioned in a council protocol of the city a "Chanteur à la Synagogue". According to this, there was also a prayer room or synagogue at that time.   

Synagogue Stiegelgasse (Ingelheim on the Rhine)

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Already in the 18th century there was probably a prayer room which was possibly established in the house Stiegelgasse 25, which later became antechamber to the synagogue newly built in 1841. For years the Jewish community collected the funds for a new synagogue building, which was approved by the authorities in April 1840 and built in the following months. The synagogue was built in Moorish style ("beautifully copied oriental style") and was solemnly consecrated on August 27, 1841 by District Rabbi Dr. Sobernheim from Bingen .

Synagogue at the Free Square (Hahnheim)

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Already at the beginning of the 19th century a prayer room may have been established. Around 1840 a synagogue was built, which was the worship center of the community until its destruction during the November pogrom in 1938. The synagogue had two high round-arched windows on the street side. On the left side - seen from the street - was the synagogue courtyard, from which a small staircase led into the building.