Hemsbach synagogue

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In 1843, the Jewish community, under its then head Max Pfälzer, bought what is now the property at Mittelgasse 16 in the center of Hemsbach.

In 1845, master builder Valentin Fuchs drew up plans for a synagogue with a school, a teacher's apartment and a bathhouse.

The plans were implemented with the construction of the Jewish community center in 1847/48. On the south side of the synagogue courtyard, a bathhouse with a ritual bath was created.

Jewish cemetery Weingarten

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The dead of the Jewish community of Weingarten were buried presumably until 1632 in Worms, then in Obergrombach.
Since 1902/03 existed a separate cemetery in the Gewann "Effenstiel" (parcel 6345).

The cemetery area covers an area of 14.25 Ar and today there are still 35 gravestones present, including four for children.

Jewish Museum Emmendingen

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The opening of the Jewish Museum Emmendingen took place on April 13, 1997. The museum was established in the restored mikveh building. In the house was once the apartment of the synagogue servant. In the basement, the listed immersion bath is still preserved (built between 1837 and 1843 and used until around 1900).

Jewish cemetery in Erp (Erfstadt)

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The Jewish cemetery in Erp was occupied from about 1868 to 1914. There are only seven gravestones left. The cemetery plot was originally 31.34 Ar in size. 
Since 1952, the cemetery has been owned by the Jewish Trust Corporation. In February 2004, the cemetery was desecrated. A memorial stone is present. The cemetery is located about 100 meters south of the main road 265 in the direction of Weiler in der Ebene. It is freely accessible, as it is not (anymore) fenced.  



Department store Landauer (Augsburg)

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In 1906 Hugo Landauer had opened a store with manufactured goods in Augsburg, which later became the department store of Landauer Bros. Goods stores of the Landauer company existed in several cities, the parent company was located in Stuttgart; the store in Augsburg, however, was considered the most important. During the Nazi era, the department store was forcibly "Aryanized".

Synagogue (Passau)

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In the Middle Ages, we learn of a synagogue in the Old Town (first mentioned in 1314 and last in 1427) and a synagogue in the Ilzstadt on the banks of the Ilz (until its destruction in 1478) on the site of St. Salvator's Church.
In the 19th/20th century (until the Nazi era) there was probably no prayer room. Possibly, community members met at times to hold services in one of the Jewish houses. Otherwise, services were attended in Straubing.  

Former synagogue Bruck (Erlangen)

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Even before the Reformation, i.e. since the beginning of the 16th century, Jewish families are said to have been accepted in Bruck. In 1515, the Margravial Diet decided to expel the Jews, which allowed one or another family from Erlangen to settle in the neighboring community of Bruck. In 1431 Jews are mentioned in the village for the first time. In 1604 a Jewish dwelling house is mentioned. It is probably the same one mentioned in a report from 1842. According to it, the house No. 12 belonged to the Jewish community "since time immemorial".

Am Judenstein (Regensburg)

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Tombstones of the medieval cemetery ("Judensteine") can be found, among others. in Riegeldorf (from 1240, 1249), in Kelheim (from 1249), in Mintraching (1294, Catholic rectory, garden), Wolkering (wall around the church, right of the gate), Mangolding (Catholic church, left of the entrance), Tegernheim (Catholic rectory, right of the entrance), Karthaus-Prüll, Cham (town hall, stone from 1230, see page on Cham), Straubing, Neustadt a.d. Donau. A stone from 1273 was discovered in 1929 in the terrace of the new parish church (Neupfarrkirche) built on the site of the synagogue in 1519.