Jewish Community Regensburg

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After the end of World War II, numerous survivors of concentration camps were taken into DP camps (camps of displaced persons) in Regensburg and the surrounding area (US zone) on the basis of the authorization of the American military administration. They were joined by survivors from Poland who had fled new pogroms in Poland (1946). In 1945, a Jewish DP (Displaced Persons) community (Jewish Community) was founded in Regensburg, whose chairmen were Jakob Gottlieb and Efraim Brenner.

Boys' boarding school Preacher Hirsch (Coburg)

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The "Knabenpensionat" had been founded by the preacher Hermann Hirsch in 1917, when Hirsch had returned from his deployment in the First World War. Just two years after the founding of the boarding school, the villa at Hohe Straße 30 was owned by Hermann Hirsch. The boys' boarding school was to provide a home for boys who were attending secondary school in Coburg. Hermann Hirsch worked at the boarding school as a religion teacher.

Judengasse (Schweinfurt)

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In Schweinfurt, a Jewish community existed initially in the Middle Ages. In 1212 a Jew named Abraham from Schweinfurt is mentioned in Würzburg. In 1243 the Nuremberg Butigler pays the amount of 50 marks to the Jews of Schweinfurt. In the following decades one hears about Jews in the city on the occasion of persecutions: By the bands of the "Knight Rintfleisch" in 1298 and during the plague in 1348/49. Jakob von Schweinfurt, who was one of the new founders of the Erfurt community in 1357, will have been a survivor.

Jewish Community Bayreuth

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After the end of the war, a new Jewish community was founded in Bayreuth by survivors of concentration camps who were taken in as "displaced persons" in the American zone. In November 1945, 184 Jewish persons were counted in Bayreuth, in July 1946 there were 400, a year later over 500 persons. The centers of the "Jewish DP Community" in Bayreuth were at Heinrich-Schütz-Strasse 6 and Lisztstrasse 12. The chairmen of the Jewish DP community were Abraham Brillant and Felix Kugelmann.


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In Dalheim existed a small Jewish community until around 1900. Around 1804 24 Jewish inhabitants were counted, in 1808 there were five Jewish households. In 1824 and 1830 there were 21 Jewish inhabitants in the village. In 1861 the community reached its peak with 30 members. Since then, the number declined due to emigration and emigration. 1900 were still counted 18 Jewish inhabitants in the place, 1931 only one person.

Jewish Hospital (Mainz)

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The Israelite Hospital was opened in 1904 and offered 40 beds with another 15 beds in an attached old people's home. After 1933, regular work was no longer possible here. Many elderly Jews found shelter here during the National Socialist era. In 1942, they were all deported along with the doctors and staff.

After the end of the war, the building served as accommodation for Mainz citizens*. In the early 1970s, it was demolished.

Main synagogue F2, 13 (Mannheim)

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In the first half of the 19th century, the synagogue had become too small for the steadily growing congregation, despite the extensions made. So in the 1840s it was decided to build a new building in place of the previous synagogue in F 2,13. In 1851 the old synagogue was demolished. In July 1851, work began on the new building. Numerous Mannheim and foreign companies were busy with the work, especially the artistic design.

Jewish Museum (Steinbach am Glan)

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The Jewish Museum in Steinbach am Glan, located in the town center on Lindenstraße, documents the history of Jews in the community as well as in the region. In the museum itself, there are display boards showing events of local Jewry. Display cases house objects that were used for religious rituals. The museum is open twice a month between 3 and 5 pm. From December to February the museum is closed. Opening also possible on request.