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The school opened in 1838 and was run as an Israelite elementary school until July 1, 1916, then as a religious school. In 1870, a mikvah was installed in its basement.

To take care of religious duties of the community was employed a teacher who also served as a prayer leader and shochet. Among the Jewish elementary teachers of the 19th century are mentioned Jakob Frank who was a teacher in Steinbach until 1873 and his successor Aron Wolf, who was a teacher in the village from 1873 to 1906 (died in Speyer in 1938). The last teacher of the community (until 1916) was the teacher mentioned in the report on the golden wedding anniversary of Joseph Löb (1930) David Rosenwald. When in 1914 the Catholic elementary school teacher was called up for military service, Rosenwald also taught the Catholic children of Steinbach; from December 1, 1914, in addition, the grades three to seven of the Protestant school. In 1925 David Rosenwald is mentioned in Winnweiler as a main teacher a.D., where he taught religion to the Jewish children of the place; in 1930 he lived in Frankfurt.

Literatur (letzter Zugriff am 10.07.18)
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