Schaldinger Str.
94034 Passau
In the Middle Ages, we learn of a synagogue in the Old Town (first mentioned in 1314 and last in 1427) and a synagogue in the Ilzstadt on the banks of the Ilz (until its destruction in 1478) on the site of St. Salvator's Church.
In the 19th/20th century (until the Nazi era) there was probably no prayer room. Possibly, community members met at times to hold services in one of the Jewish houses. Otherwise, services were attended in Straubing.
In 1945/46, there was a prayer room for the Displaced Persons (DPs) staying in the city. The prayer room and a mikvah (ritual bath) were located in the Hotel Deutscher Kaiser at Bahnhofstraße 30. After the DPs left, the community was dissolved. The Hotel Deutscher Kaiser was used again (until the present) as a hotel.
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