Department store button

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There had already been a "Knopf department store" in Ravensburg since 1893. At that time still in rented rooms. 1907 then built the company Geschw. Knopf, Karlsruhe in the best location  of

Ravensburg at the "place" an architecturally benerkenswertes with art nouveau elements decorated new department store.

Manufacture of linen and cotton goods - A. Gutmann & Co.

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The origin of the company A. Gutmann & Co. goes back to the year 1840 in Jebenhausen. There, the master weavers Abraham Gutmann, his brother-in-law Simon Raff and his cousin Isak Raff founded a hand weaving mill, which existed in Jebenhausen until 1861, when it was moved to Göppingen. With the relocation of the company to Göppingen, all three company owners also moved their residence to Göppingen. However, the company owners separated in the same year.


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With the migration of Jews from Hochberg towards the end of the 19th century, the mikvah was no longer used. The visitation report of the district rabbi in 1898 states, "The mikvah could not be visited. It has fallen into disrepair. Mr. Church Councilor strongly recommends restoration from a religious point of view." It no longer came to this.

Grain treatment - Heinrich Löwenstein

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Founded by Wolf Löwenstein in Jebenhausen in 1866, the business was moved to Göppingen in 1867 and continued by his son Heinrich Löwenstein under his name. In 1899, Heinrich Löwenstein's son Julius Löwenstein joined as a partner. After the death of Heinrich Löwenstein in 1916, Julius Löwenstein continued the business as sole proprietor. In 1933, Julius Löwenstein and his wife Ida, née Gunz moved to Sontheim near Heilbronn to the "Jewish Home for the Elderly" there. In 1934, Julius Löwenstein sold his house to his brother-in-law Emil Hilb.

Square of the Old Synagogue (Freiburg im Breisgau)

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The Old Synagogue Square in Freiburg im Breisgau is a place of remembrance of Jewish life and its temporary extinction. Here stood the synagogue of the Jewish community of Freiburg from 1870 to 1938. Its complete destruction during the November pogrom was followed by the expulsion and murder of all 1,138 Freiburg Jews. After the Second World War, the city of Freiburg remained in possession of the site as a result of a settlement with the newly founded Jewish community.

Brotdorf synagogue

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Initially, the Jews living in Brotdorf attended the synagogue in Merzig. By the first half of the 19th century at the latest, a prayer room had been established in Brotdorf in one of the Jewish houses. When the number of Jewish inhabitants had increased relatively strongly around the middle of the 19th century, the community decided to build a synagogue. The previous prayer hall had become too small. In order to finance the synagogue, a house collection was to be held in other communities in the spring of 1854, but this was rejected.

Leatherette factory - Potash factory - Netter & Eisig

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Before it came to the founding of the company Netter & Eisig, Nathan Netter led the company "N. Netter", which was originally founded in 1870 by the Schmieheim-born merchants Nathan Netter and Joseph Hoffmann as a corset and shoe drill - weaving mill "Hoffmann & Netter" and then from 1873 by Nathan Netter alone until 1885 under his name company "N. Netter" continued. With the acquisition of J. Beck's property in 1885, the company "Netter & Eisig" was founded, which produced book binding fabrics and imitation leather for shoe linings.

Manufacture of linen and cotton goods - Heumann & Sohn

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Originally coming from Jebenhausen from the 1862 established company "Heumann, Hildebrand & Fleischer", which was dissolved again in 1869 by its three partners Kaufmann Heumann, Gottlieb Hildenbrand and Moritz Fleischer, founded the same year after moving to Göppingen Kaufmann Heumann together with his son Julius Heumann the company "Heumann & Son". In 1876 Leopold Heumann, the younger son of Kaufmann Heumann, joined the company as a partner. After the death of Kaufmann Heumann in 1877 and the death of Julius Heumann in 1899, Leopold Heumann remained as sole owner.