Rabbinate building

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The following rabbis were active in the community: 

1805-1821 Joseph Mayer Schnaittach(er); 1827 - 1835 Seligmann Grünwald; 1836-1840 Dr. Naphtali Frankfurter; 1840  Maier Hirsch Landauer; 1840-1841 Dr. Abraham Wälder; 1841-1860 Dr. Maier Samuel Hirsch; 1860-1900 Menko Berlinger; 1900-1914 Dr. Jakob Berlinger 


Synagogue (Kirchzarten)

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On the Markenhof estate near Kirchzarten Alexander Moch from Schwanau-Nonnenweier operated a farm since 1919, which also served as a hachshara, i.e. preparation for immigration to Palestine. The Markenhof is considered the "first kibbutz of German Jews" (Ruben Frankenstein). The teaching estate was financed by the Jewish entrepreneur Konrad Goldmann. He also established with his funds a synagogue on the farm, whose windows were designed by Friedrich Adler from Laupheim.

Prayer room (singing)

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The Jewish inhabitants of Singen initially belonged to the synagogue community of Constance. In the course of the 1920s, their number increased to such an extent that a congregation foundation and the construction of a synagogue were seriously considered. In order not to always have to travel the long distances to the synagogues in Gailingen and Constance, they first set up a prayer hall. Salo Schärf, owner of the furniture store "Roll and Co.", made the rooms above his store in the Poststraße 19 and 21 (today's Freiheitstrasse) available for this purpose.

Mechanical color weaving - Gebrüder Gutmann

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Eight years after moving from Jebenhausen to Göppingen, Jakob B. Gutmann founded the company J.B.Gutmann as a sole proprietorship in 1868. When the eldest son Bernhard J. Gutmann joined as a partner in 1872, it became a partnership. After the departure of company founder Jakob B. Gutmann in 1877 and the entry of two other sons, Leopold J. Gutmann and Max J. Gutmann, the company name changed to " Gebrüder Gutmann ". In 1899, it became the joint stock company "Mechanische Buntweberei am Stadtbach" with Bernhard J. Gutmann as its chairman.

Milton Rohrbacher Chemical Factory

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In 1893, Milton Rohrbacher founded the Milton Rohrbacher Chemical Factory. From 1922 son Siegfried Rohrbacher is a partner of the company. The company's product range also includes "Kinessa-Bohnerwachs" and "Kinessa-Holzbalsa".The company boycott as well as social exclusion cause Siegfried Rohrbacher and his wife Gertrud, née Lendt to sell the company in 1936 and emigrate to Palestine together with their 3-year-old daughter Miriam and 10-month-old son Michael. The founder of the company, Milton Rohrbacher, dies in 1937 and is buried in the Jewish cemetery in Göppingen.

Corset fabric weaving Julius Reinganum

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The corset drill weaving mill was founded in 1867 as a hand weaving and cottage industry. In 1870, 100 craftsmen were already employed in villages in the area. Awarded a Silver Medal of Merit at the Vienna World's Fair in 1873 and a Bronze Medal of Merit in Stuttgart in 1881, the manufactures gained national and international recognition. In 1912 Julius Reinganum sold the business to Wilhelm Feller in Stuttgart.