Broker - W. Jüdell
The Hamburg address book 1910 contains the following entry: W. Jüdell, broker, Alter Wall 60, owner Theod. Jüdell and Max Bodenheimer. - Jüdell Theodor, Fa. W. Jüdell, Hansastr. 36 - The following information can be found in the database of the Jüdischer Friedhof Altona : Theodor Jüdell, broker, born January 18, 1846, - date of death - November 1, 1931, - date of burial - November 18, 1931 - grave location M2 No.101, - remarks: New burial society, ashes, grave M2, no. 102 reserved.
Bank Commission - Joseph Stern
The Berlin address book from 1895 contains the following entry: Joseph Stern, Bank-Kommission, IV Behrenstr.59, Inh. Jos. Stern und Gustav Mosler. - Joseph Stern was born on March 28, 1840 in Posen (Poznan). His parents were Julius Stern, born on May 8, 1815 in Breslau (Wroclaw), and Philipine Stern, née Weyl. Joseph Stern was married to Luise Granichstaedten, born in Vienna on January 6, 1846, daughter of Emanuel Granichstaedten, born in Budapest in 1809, and his wife Emma, née Weiss.
Wine and spirits wholesaler - Heinrich Schwed
The following entry can be found in the 1905 Munich address book: Schwed Heinrich, Reklame-Verlag, Goethestr. 29/1. T.10136 - The following entries can be found in the 1910 Munich address book: Schwed Heinrich, Kaufmann, Hermann Linggstr.6/2, Schwed Heinrich ("Weinschwed") Wein-und Spiritousen-Großhandlg, Hermann Linggstr.12, Schwed Jos., Kaufmann, (Fa.Heinrich Schwed), Hermann Linggstr.12. - Heinrich Schwed was born in Reichmannsdorf in the district of Bamberg in 1880. His parents were the merchant Max Schwed (1853-1930) and Ida Schwed, née Hirnheimer (1859–1928).
Bank - Max Krämer
The Munich address book from 1910 contains the following entry: Krämer Max & Co, (owner Max Krämer u. Louis Levi), Bank- und Wechselgeschäft, Dienerstr.23 Entres. T. P. 881 - Max Krämer was born in Munich on August 22, 1864. He came from a wealthy family of bankers and ran his own financial institution. In 1891, Max Krämer married Clementine Cahnmann, born on September 17, 1873 in Rheinbischofsheim. The marriage remained childless. The global economic crisis and the New York stock market crash in October 1929 led to the end of the Max Krämer & Co. bankruptcy was inevitable.
Shoe store - Julius Klein
Julius Klein, born in Meisenheim on June 30, 1871, had been registered in München at Blumenstra<e 38/IV since 1898, coming from Speyer. He founded the well-known shoe store Julius Klein in Munich. The following entry can be found in the München address books for the years 1903-1911: Klein Julius, branch of Speiers Schuhwaren-Haus, Kaufingerstr.15, Tel.649, apartment Karlsplatz8/3. From 1912 the new entry: Klein Julius, Schuhwarenhaus, Spezialhaus 1.Ranges für moderne Schuhwaren. Exclusive sale of the legally protected brand "Schuhklein", Kaufingerstr.15T u. Bayerstr.7a, Wohn.
Leather in bulk - Carl David Söhne
Carl (Charles) David, a native of Homburg/Saar, founded a leather goods store at 51 Wormser Strasse in 1824. Carl David was married to Franziska Gernsheim, who was born in Worms. The couple had thirteen children - August,1825 -1845,- Jakob Theodor,1826 - 1898, Cornelius,1828 - 1906,- Caroline,1829 -1909,- Adolf,1830 -1904,- Emilia, 1831 - 1837,- Julius,1833 - 1868,- Auguste,1834-1910,- Amalie,1836-1896,- Gustav,1837, - Rosalie,1841-1906,- Bertha,1845-1936 and Nathalie 1847-1924. From 1855 to 1872, Carl David headed the Jewish Community of Speyer.
Office furniture factory - S. Gutmann
In the book " Mitten in Nürnberg - Jüdische Firmen, Freiberufler und Institutionen am Vorabend des Nationalsozialismus " by Gerhard Jochem the following information can be found: Büromöbel-Fabrik S. Gutmann, owner Hugo Gutmann, Vordere Sterngasse 3 - Salomon Gutmann founded a factory for Büromöbel in Nürnberg in 1878 . He was married to Emma Gutmann, née Lehmann.
Stocking factory - Albert Levy & Co.
Fanger department store and Hava department store
The building was erected around 1898 on behalf of Benjamin Fanger (1860-1930) as a department store, business and residential building. After his death, his wife Fieda and later his daughter Selma Lotte and her husband Moritz Auerbach continued to run the Fanger department store. Later, the Hava, the house of many articles, managed by Max Brecher and Max Rosenbaum, was located here.
"Portikus" photo studio Genja Jonas
The photographer Genja Jonas was born Jenny Jonas on September 2, 1895 in Rogasen/Posen (now Rogozno). She grew up as the second child of the Jewish cigar merchant Simon Sigismund Jonas together with three siblings in Bromberg. She went to Berlin to train as a photographer and worked as a professional photographer from 1912. She then settled in Dresden, like her younger brother Kurt, where she opened her photo studio, called Portikus, at Bürgerwiese 6 in 1918. Genja Jonas quickly became a popular portrait photographer who soon gained a reputation far beyond Dresden, even in Europe.