Jewish cemetery (Grünstadt)

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The Jewish Cemetery Grünstadt is a Jewish cemetery in Grünstadt in the district of Bad Dürkheim in Rhineland-Palatinate, which was established around 1700. In 1881 followed an expansion of 3.5 ar. Since 1989 it is a protected cultural monument. The oldest gravestone dates from 1743.

Jewish cemetery (Hahnheim)

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The Jewish cemetery in Hahnheim was established around 1884. An desecration of the cemetery at the end of 1904 is reported in an article of the Frankfurter Israelitisches Familienblatt  The last burial in the Jewish cemetery in Hahnheim was in September 1938 (Emil Trum). In March 1945 the cemetery was destroyed (cf.

Jewish cemetery (Kirchheimbolanden)

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The cemetery was opened in 1843 (parcel 3070). Other sources mention this date only as an extension of the cemetery already established in the 17th century. The area covers 42.60 ares. A mortuary (Tahara house) was present. It was destroyed during the Nazi period and is only preserved as a ruin. There are still about 200 gravestones in the cemetery today.

A key to visit the cemetery can be obtained at the Kirchheimbolanden town hall. The cemetery is not accessible by car.

Jewish cemetery Niederbieber (Neuwied)

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The Jewish community Neuwied maintained at the latest since the 17th century (probably 1629) a cemetery in today's Neuwied district Niederbieber. He was also used by the Jewish communities in the wider area as a burial ground.


The oldest gravestone that can be dated with certainty is from 1706. The cemetery was occupied until 1942. The cemetery area covers 111.94 (or 110.37) acres. A cemetery hall was present since 1908. It was severely damaged in the 1938 pogrom night; the ruin was demolished in 1947.

Jewish cemetery (Obermoschel)

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The Jewish cemetery in Obermoschel has existed since 1819. In 1868, the grounds were expanded. It was occupied until the 1930s. The cemetery plot has the shape of an almost equilateral triangle, each side 40 to 45 m long. The total area is 10.90 ares (first 5.80 ares, later extension area 5.10 ares). The preserved gravestones are distributed in seven rows of graves in the upper part. In a wreath below the grave rows fragments of gravestone bases and gravestones are deposited.

Jewish cemetery (Rockenhausen)

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An old Jewish cemetery is located in the area of Ringstraße - between Ringstraße and the city wall (parcels 306, 305). The cemetery was established in the 18th century and expanded in 1842. There are no gravestones preserved. The cemetery plot can be recognized by the chestnut trees. 

The new cemetery was established in 1908/1912, as the old one had become too small, and was occupied until 1939. Its area covers 5,6 ares or according to other information 6,28 ares.

Mikvah (Cologne)

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The Jewish community of Köln in the Middle Ages was one of the oldest and most important on German soil. Expression of the bloom time of the community in the Middle Ages was the construction of a synagogue and a mikvah (the ritual bath), a Talmud school, a hospital and a hostel.