Am Haselrech
66909 Steinbach am Glan
After the cemetery in neighboring Gries was almost full, the Jewish community applied in 1820 to build a cemetery on a plot of land already acquired in Steinbach. In 1826 the cemetery could be opened. The information board at the cemetery itself mentions 1810 as the date of establishment.
The dead of the Jewish communities/families from Brücken, Börsborn and Waldmohr (the latter until the establishment of their own cemetery in 1899) were also buried in the cemetery. In 1857 a major repair was necessary because part of the enclosing wall had collapsed. In 1891 the cemetery was extended. During the Nazi period the cemetery was desecrated for the first time in January 1935. The last two burials took place after 1945. Since 1979 the cemetery has been desecrated three times.
The cemetery area is 5.80 ares (old plot until 1891; parcel no. 606) and 13.60 ares (expansion area from 1891; parcel no. 607), together 19.40 ares.

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