Men's and boys' clothing store - E., A. & N. Rosenfelder

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In the address book of the city of München from the year 1919, the following entries can be found: Rosenfelder E., A. & N. Herrenkleiderfabrik, (owners Nathan and Wilhelm Rosenfelder) Schwanthalerstr. 29 T. - Rosenfelder Nathan, (Fa E., A. & N. Rosenfelder), Fabrik Pettenkoferstr. 7/1 T. - Rosenfelder Wilh., Fabrikant, (Fa E., A. & N. Rosenfelder), Richard Wagner Str.15 Nathan Rosenfelder, born on December 28, 1859 in Dittenheim was married to Karolina (Lina), née Löwenthal, born on October 27, 1867 in Bad Kissingen. The marriage was on August 18, 1890 in Würzburg.

Curtain factory - English brothers

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In the book " Weg und Schicksal der Stuttgarter Juden " by Maria Zelzer, - Ein Gedenkbuch - published by the city of Stuttgart - there is the following entry in the appendix on page 466 under the listing of factory owners - Engländer Ernst, Hauptmannsreute 10 (to Holland), Justin Engländer, Lindenspürstraße 20, Otto Engländer, Breitlingstraße 35 and Walter Engländer. Hölderlinplatz 5 (since 1933 in Paris, died 1944 in Auschwitz), partner of the company Gebr. Engländer, Gardinenfabrik, Adlerstra;e 43.

former Jewish cemetery Springe - Domänenpark/Volkspark

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The Old Jüdische cemetery in Springe was occupied until 1878. It was located on the territory of the Domäne Dahle. Due to its proximity to the Haller brook and the resulting nässe it should not be occupied further. In 1880, the cathedral administration provided the Jewish religious community with a new plot of land. On the old Jüdische cemetery at the Haller are no more gravestones. The cemetery was leveled in 1939. It is today a öffentlicher park.