Jewish cemetery (Bad Staffelstein - departed cemetery)
In Staffelstein there was a Jewish community in the 15th century. In the course of their expulsion in 1506, it was stated in the description of a Jewish residence that to it belonged "the courtyard, on which ettlich Iüden have been buried". The existence of a Jewish cemetery in the city is therefore considered certain.
Jewish cemetery (Augsburg - concentration camp cemetery and memorial)
In Augsburg there is a memorial for concentration camp victims and prisoners at the Westfriedhof.
Jewish cemetery (Abensberg - departed cemetery)
In Abensberg existed since 1398 a Jewish community with its own synagogue and a cemetery, which is documented for the first time in 1440 as "Judenpühel" ("Judenbühel"). One year later, in 1450, the town expelled the Jews from Abensberg. The cemetery was located outside the town on the road to Offenstetten. The area still bears the name "Judenbuckel" today. Remains are no longer present due to overbuilding, the gravestones were either destroyed or found use as building material.
Import and export - David Benjamin
In the address book of the city of Hamburg from the year 1930, the following entry can be found: An der Alster 85, David Benjamin, Im- und Export.
Nicolaus Nathan
In the Jüdisches Adressbuch für Gross-Berlin - edition1931/1932 the following entry can be found: Nathan Nicolaus, Prenzlauer Allee 189.
Clothing, ready-made clothing and haberdashery - Arndt Sallinger
The owners of the textile department store Sallinger, right in the center of Straubing, on Ludwigsplatz, emigrated in 1937/1938 to what was then Palestine. At the latest after Arndt Sallinger was taken to Dachau for a few days, the decision was made to leave Germany. Family-owned businesses, including branches in Straubing, Regensburg and Weiden, had to be left behind. The company managed to emigrate to Palestine by ship via Marseille. In 1952/53, Arndt Sallinger's son, now married, decided to return and start again in Straubing with his family.
Dresses, ready-made clothing, haberdashery - Max Ansbacher
In the book " Straubinger Juden - Jüdische Straubinger " by Anita Unterholzner can be found in the chapter " Die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus " in the list of the Jewish Straubinger Bürger, who fell victim to the Nazi - terror following entries with the name Ansbacher: Max Ansbacher geb.on 9 November 1876 in Floss.address-Wittelsbacherstr. 2, deported on 3.4.1942, missing - Frieda Ansbacher, née Stern, born on 31.8.1896 in Heddesheim. Address-Wittelsbacherstr. 2, deregistered on 4/3/1942, missing - Else Ansbacher, born on 8/7/1921 in Straubing.
The cemetery in Zündorf (Cologne)
The cemetery is located in a small forest plot. A busy footpath leads directly past the graves. From peace and dignity is not much to speak of.
Freundlich cold storage houses GmbH
Georg Lukács - professor, member of parliament and supporter of reforms
The literary scholar, Marxist philosopher and Communist Party functionary Georg Lukács lived in this place from 1945 until his death.
As early as December 1944, Georg Lukács went to Budapest, where he received a professorship in aesthetics and cultural philosophy at the University of Budapest. His students founded the so-called Budapest School - a separate current of Hungarian Marxism that had broken with real existing socialism and was committed to a "radical humanism" as an answer to Stalinism. Among them was the world-renowned philosopher Ágnes Heller.