Abraham Michelbacher - soap boiler master

Complete profile

In the list of members of the Society of Israeliten-Eintracht, which was laid out at the time of its foundation, the name of Abraham Michelbacher is also found. As his profession is indicated - soap boiler master. In a letter of April 27, 1849 to the city magistrate - proposal and request of the Israelite Cultus Administration for permission to establish a burial ground, the name of  Abraham Michelbacher is also found as one of the six signed members of the Israelite Cultus Administration.

Cut goods shop - Joel Götz

Complete profile

Joel Götz, born on July 23, 1809 in Fürth was a merchant ( Handelsmann für Ausschnittswaren ) and rabbi. He was married to Nanni Götz, née Rieger. The couple had two children, Moses Hayum Götz and Sara Götz, married Schopflocher.

In the Fürth address book from 1859, the following entry is found - First Main District - Mohrenstraße - house number 45 - Götz, Joel, Schnittwarenhandlung, Firma J. L. Götz.