Merchant - Max Kaplan

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In the J  Jüdisches Adressbuch für Gross-Berlin - edition 1929/1930 - the following entry is found: Kaplan, Max, Kaufmann, W 50, Augsburger Stra;e 42.

The picture postcards were presumably sent home by Max Kaplan to his wife and daughter in Berlin during a stay at a health resort in Bad Kissingen.


Chemische Fabrik Dr. Theodor Schuchardt Görlitz, proprietor Dr. Albert Weil

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The company, founded by Theordor Schuchardt in 1865, quickly grew from a few employees in a small building in Muskau to a production area in Görlitz of over 8,000 square meters by 1876. After the death of the company founder in 1892,  the business was taken over by his son-in-law Dr. Albert Weil, Kommerzienrat, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Honorary Senator of the TH Breslau üb.

Grave marker Bruno Alexander-Katz (1862 - 1927)

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Among the resting places of famous personalities and worth seeing graves in the cemetery of Görlitz is the grave of the Jewish lawyer Bruno Alexander-Katz. The impressive grave marker made of shell limestone embodies the "Resurrection".
Source: Excerpt from the leaflet "Municipal Cemetery 1847 - 1997"  Alexander-Katz, Bruno (1862 - 1927)


Jewish community Hebenshausen

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In Hebenshausen existed since the 17th century a Jewish community, 1603/06 is first reported by Jews*Jüdinnen in the place. By 1861 the number of resident Jews had grown to 104 out of a total population of 494 (1864). From then on, the number of Jewish members decreased steadily due to people moving away. In 1925, only 6 of the 388 inhabitants in the village were of Jewish faith. Already at the beginning of the 20th century the number of members was no longer sufficient to conduct services in the synagogue in Hebenshausen.

Business traveler - Julius Frankenthal

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Julius Frankenthal was born on December 22, 1889, the son of the merchant´s Leo Frankenthal and Ida Frankenthal,née.Lindenfeld in Hamburg.He was married to Huberta,née. Kepler, born on November 12, 1890 in Aachen.Their marriage was considered a " mixed marriage ". The couple had one son - Kurt Frankenthal, born November 13, 1917 in Ingolstadt. Julius Frankenthal (presumably the family) lived in Ingolstadt from 1910 - 1934.From May 2, 1934 then in München, Lindenschmittstraße 52/1.Julius Frankenthal died on January 23, 1935 in München. He is buried in the New Israel. Cemetery in München.