Apartment of Israel Kapitalnik (ca. 1929-?)
Israel Kapitalnik lived since 1929 at the latest in the Reichenbacher Stra;e 12, where also his business "I. Kapitalnik Rohproduktenhandlung" was located. In 1934 he was no longer listed in the Greiz address book.
Apartment of Israel Kapitalnik (ca. 1926-ca. 1929)
The raw products dealer Israel Kapitalnik lived since spätestens 1926 in the Reichenbacher Straße 18. Between 1926 and 1929 he moved few Häuser further in the Reichenbacher Straße 12.
Kapitalnik & Co, textile waste
Abraham Kapitalnik owned the raw products shop "Kapitalnik & Co., Textilabfälle" in Weberstra;e 10. In his shop he bought skins, rags, wool waste, waste paper, iron and metals. In 1934, the shop was no longer to be found in the address directory of Greiz.
Apartment of Abraham Kapitalnik (ca. 1929-?)
Abraham Kapitalnik (*1881), a raw products trader, moved to Idastra;e 27 between 1926 and 1929. By 1934 he was no longer listed in the Greiz address book. Abraham Kapitalnik was murdered in the Shoah.
Apartment of Abraham Kapitalnik (ca. 1921-ca. 1929)
The raw products dealer Abraham Kapitalnik (*1881 in Łódź [dt.: Lodz or Lodsch]) lived since spätestens 1921 in the Weberstraße 10, where also his business "Kapitalnik & Co., Textilabfälle" was located. Between 1926 and 1929 he moved to Idastraße 27. With his wife Perel he had their daughter Hanna in 1910.
ENT practice Dr. med. prakt. Alex Rosenbaum
Dr. med. prakt. Alex Rosenbaum had an ENT practice and a private clinic at Carolinenstra;e 26 - see Flach 1990 (sources). Previously, his practice was located at Oststra;e 19.
In 1937, Dr. Rosenbaum and his practice were no longer listed in the Greiz address book.
Apartment of Dr. Alex Rosenbaum (ca. 1934- ca. 1937)
The ENT physician Dr. med. prakt. Alex Rosenbaum lived in 1934 in an apartment in Gartenweg 2. His ENT practice and private clinic were located in Carolinenstra;e 26 - cf. Flach 1990 (sources). In 1937 he was no longer listed in the Greiz address directory. On February 15, 1937, he and his wife are said to have died in a hitherto unexplained manner.
Apartment and practice of Dr. Alex Rosenbaum (?-ca. 1934)
The ENT physician Dr. med. prakt. Alex Rosenbaum lived in 1929/30 in Oststraße 19, where his ENT practice was also located. Between 1929 and 1934 he moved a few streets away to Gartenweg 2.
Jewish cemetery Berne
The Jüdische Friedhof Berne im niedersächsischen Landkreis Wesermarsch is about 810 m² groß. The cemetery was established in 1895 on a private plot of land by Louis Koopmann. The oldest existing gravestone in the cemetery dates back to 1895. Cemetery in Berne dates from 1895; it is the gravestone for the founder of the cemetery, Louis Koopmann.
Julius Bab - Barbara Bab
In the Berlin address book 1922 finds the following entry: Bab Julius, writer, W57, Potsdamer Straße 68 IV. - Barbara Bab was a daughter of the writer Julius Bab and his wife Elisabeth "Else" Karoline Johanna Bab, née Loos. Barbara was born in 1911 and died already in 1946 at the age of 35/36.