Jewish cemetery
Grain treatment - Julius Aronheim
In the Kreisadreßbuch Arnswalde/Friedeberg und die Dörfer, sowie Güter der beiden Kreise aus dem jahr 1925 findet sich folgender Eintrag: Aronheim; Julius; Fa. Inh. Isodor Aronheim; Kaufmann, Getreidegeschäft.; Mittelstr. 72. - Aronheim; Max; Kaufmann, Mittelstr. 72; Reetz; Arnswalde; - Aronheim; Emma; Ehefrau, Mittelstr. 72; Reetz; Arnswalde;
Grain treatment - Dobrin & Löwenthal
Metal plant - August Ney
Bernhard Kolb - The Jews in Nürnberg 1839 - 1945 - edited by Gerhard Jochem - In a directory of foundations [1867 - 1931] for the Nürnberger Kultusgemeinde is in 1930 a foundation with 47 000 Marks registered founder August Ney. In the residents' book Nürnberg 1928 is the following entry : Ney August, Metallwerk u. ...., Ebenseestraße 23.
.Men's and boys' clothing factory - Mai & Cie
In the Jüdisches Adressbuch Frankfurt 1935 the following entries are found: Mai & Co, Kleiderfabrik, Kaiserstraße 64. - Mai, Moses, Kleiderfabrik, a) Beethovenstraße 14,- b) Kaiserstraße 64.
Paul Borchardt
The historical picture postcard (lithograph) of Berlin with views of the Reichstag building, the Victory Column and the Brandenburg Gate was sent on 22 July 1900 from Berlin to Marienbad to Mr. Paul Borchardt. The picture side of the card was also the side on which there was at least space for a few greetings. In this case - happy birthday. Paul Borchardt celebrated his 14th birthday on July 23. The card arrived in time, as evidenced by the postmark.
Mechanical worsted weaving mill Gebrüder Berglas GmbH
In 1932, the brothers Alexander, Alfred and Max Berglas founded the Berglas Mechanische Webereien AG in Berlin. In 1934, the company moved to Papiermühlenweg 14 in Greiz and Alexander Berglas became the managing director (still residing in Berlin). In addition to the Papiermühlenweg 14 property, the Berglas brothers also owned the Papiermühlenweg 16 (18a before 1934) and 20 properties. In 1938, Alexander Berglas was recalled and the Greizer Kammgarn weaving mill was deleted from the commercial register.
Siegmund Borchardt
Text of the card: Monday, 15.4.99 - Dear parents ! - About to go on 1 day to Holland greets you and the children warmly - your faithful Philipp. The sender of the card is with great probability the son-in-law Philipp Schlesinger, the husband of Anna (Anny) Schlesinger. The couple Philipp and Anna Schlesinger, née Borchardt had two children - Werner Julius and Victor Schlesinger.