Synagogue Rembrandtstraße Vienna
Complete profile
Name: Achduth (Achdus) Israel (Unity of Israel), also called "Rembrandt Temple".
Chairman: David Robitschek (1932)
At the Rembrandt Temple worked: Rabbi Dr. Kramer(1850-1922), Dr. Joel Pollak(1932).
The prayer hall was accessible from the courtyard at ground level, today an industrial building.
Source: Jewish Yearbook for Austria 1932, Krakow Calendar 1937, Annual Report of the Jewish Community 1890-1936
J.Grünberger, J. Karniel, A Century of Misrachi, Festschrift 2000, Vienna
Last use: today industrial plant
Synagogue Taborstraße Vienna
Complete profile
Association prayer house
Association name: Achwa we reuth (Friendship and brotherhood)
Chairman: Salomon Reiss, Rab.: A.L. Arak
Source: Jewish Yearbook for Austria 1932, Krakow Calendar 1937, Annual Report of the Jewish Community 1908/9, Annual Report of the Jewish Community 1936
Last use: No information
Malzgasse Synagogue Vienna
Complete profile
Association name: "Beth Hamidrash Talmud Torah" (House of Learning)
Year of the association: 1854
The prayer house, built in 1884, was moved backwards in 1906 when the new elementary school "Talmud Torah" was built. The complex of buildings is currently located behind a high wall
and is not visible from the street.
Architect: unknown
Chairman: Leopold Hirsch, Rab.: Hermann Schenk (1932)
Head of the elementary school: Senior teacher Gotthold Friedländer(1932)
Head of the Hauptschule: Director Emanuel Unger (1932)
A total of 28 teachers.
Synagogue Pazmanitengasse Vienna
Complete profile
Association synagogue
Association name: "Aeschel Awsachrom" (Tent of Abraham); also called "Am Volkert".
Gj.of the association 1875, which was also builder of the synagogue.
President: Oskar Schramek, Vpr.: Leonhard Maier (1932)
The rabbis at this temple were: Dr. Abeles, Dr. S. Funk. Dr. Z. Taubes
Building period: 1911-12
Architect: Ignaz Reiser
Appearance: three-nave building with double-tower facade, in the so-called monumental style
Capacity: 500 men's and 400 women's seats, additional consultation hall,
library and small prayer room.
Synagogue Leopoldsgasse Vienna
Complete profile
Association synagogue, called "Polish Shul".
is maintained by the association "Beth Israel" (House of Isreal) according to Polish Jewish rite.
From 1792 there was a prayer house called "Beth Hatefilo Poland", from 1836 the rabbi Eleazar Horowitz, who came from Bratislava, worked in the "Lazzenschul" in the old
Lazzenhof, from 1854 the Polish-Israelite prayer house was located in the Upper Danube Street 65 (today 79), until the foundation of the "Polish School" in the Leopoldsgasse in 1892.
Construction period: 1892 - 93
Architect: Wilhelm Stiassny
Architectural style and appearance: three-nave
Synagogue Große Schiffgasse Vienna
Complete profile
Name: Beth Hamidrash Torah Ez Chaim "Torah Tree of Life".
Gj: 1865
The multi-storey house Große Schiffgasse 8, which still exists today, was built in 1893 (in place of a pre-March building) according to the plans of Baurat Wilhelm Stiasssny
Chairman: Salomon Schreiber, Deputy Chairman: Albert Bräuer, Rab.: Sigmund Fürst, Josef Baumgarten, Meier Fleischmann (1932).
Synagogue Große Schiffgasse Vienna
Complete profile
Association Synagogue
Since 1897 maintained by the association "Adass Yisroel" (Community of Israel), center of Orthodoxy in Vienna.
Construction period: 1858(?) - 1864, inauguration on 16.9.1864,
1st rabbi: Salomon Spitzer
Architect: unknown
Style and appearance: single-nave, almost square domed building with stylistic borrowings from Byzantine architecture
Capacity: 500 male and 250 female seats.
Chairman: KmR. Siegmund Bondi, Rab.: Sigmund Fürst (1932)
Synagogue Zirkusgasse Vienna
Complete profile
Synagogue of the Turkish Israelites (Sephardim)
Construction period: 1885 - 87
Architect: Hugo von Wiedenfeld
Architectural style: strict historicism based on motifs of the Alhambra, octagonal domed building.
Capacity: 340 seats on the first floor, 110 seats in the galleries, also
A total of 250 standing places.
On the second floor of the building there was also a winter prayer hall with 105 seats.
President of the Turkish-Israeli.
Synagogue Tempelgasse Vienna
Complete profile
Construction period 1854 - 58
Architect: Ludwig Förster
Architectural style: historicizing classicism with Moorish, Arabic and Assyrian citations;
Three-nave hall building with two side wings separated by courtyards. The northern wing housed the Jewish Theological Institute, while the southern wing was used for the library and administration.
Capacity: 2240 seats, 1500 standing room.
Badly damaged by fire in 1917, extensive restoration work not completed until 1921.
Completely destroyed during the so-called Reichskristallnacht, only the side wings survived.
Synagogue Judengasse Vienna
Complete profile
Association prayer house
Name: Kehilath Jakob "Parish of Jakobs
Chairman: Bernhard Welczker
Source: Jewish Yearbook for Austria 1932, Krakow Calendar 1937
Last use: No information