Rathofstraße 21
55276 Oppenheim
Already in the Middle Ages was a synagogue: This is the still preserved building of the Rathofkapelle in the Rathofstraße. This building was sold to the Eberbach Monastery (in the Rheingau) in 1394. Due to the rededication and renaming by the monastery, the original use of the building was completely forgotten.
A portal inscription located on the Yellow House is associated with the medieval synagogue. However, it is not certain whether the portal inscription is from the synagogue located in the Rathofkapelle s building. The text of the portal inscription from 1324, the right half of which is preserved, reads:
...of the foundations
...- house of the precious
...Raising the expenses
...and the people of friendship
...(to be)accepted and lovely
...(to save)the burnt beams
...(the gift of)the lady
...- splendid things
...according to my pride in the ashlar, even in the measures
...every Sabbath in the house of the dwelling of friendship
...(M)onday, (in the year)85, erected as a rock to give thanks
...(Re)guel for 24 thousand and more
According to this inscription, the synagogue was financed by donations from members of the congregation (mainly through reguel)
The medieval synagogue, later the chapel of the Eberbach Monastery, was used in recent years as a wine restaurant Rathofkapelle for events and celebrations.
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