Synagogue Haidgasse Vienna

Complete profile
Association prayer house Name: "Machsike Hadath Nachlath Jakob" (Strengtheners of the Faith as the Inheritance of Jacob) Chairman: Aaron Barschak; Rab.: Zacharias Edelstein Qu.: Krakauer Kalender 1937,Jüdisches Jahrbuch für Österreich 1932, Jahresbericht der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde 1936 Last use: No information

Malzgasse Synagogue Vienna

Complete profile
Association prayer house Name: Association for the Support of Jewish Small Businesses Year: 1872(?) Chairman: Josef Stapler, Rab.: Gerstl Source: Jewish Yearbook for Austria 1932, Krakow Calendar 1937, Annual Report of the Jewish Community 1924,32,36 Last use: No information