Heilgeiststraße 89
18439 Stralsund
54.3137785, 13.0888762
The house of the Blach family was built around 1700 after the city fire in 1680. The brothers bought the house in 1882 to live there and to establish their own leather shop, having already run a business under the name "Wallmann und Blach-Lederwaren en gros" at 8 Ossenreyerstrasse since 1876. In 1915, Felix Blach took over the management of the business with his son Carl-Phillip Blach, as his brother Julius Blach retired for reasons of age. Friedrich Blach inherited the Stralsund house in 1921. He was the youngest son of Julius and Selma Blach. His brother-in-law Max Joseph, owner of the department store "Schlesinger Nachfolger" at Ossenreyerstrasse 53, was appointed by him as administrator. When the National Socialists came to power, Friedrich was forced to sell the house to the baker Gustav Wehnert in 1933. Now the family lived there only as tenants. In 1937, Friedrich Blach fled to the USA. Carl-Phillip Blach moved to Berlin after the final closure of his store. Friedrich was the only one to survive the persecution and deportation and never returned to Germany. In 2012, the house was renovated by new owners. In addition, in 2016 the owners managed to establish contact with a grandson of Friedrich Blach.
in baroque style after town fire 1680
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Start of the business "Wallmann und Blach-Lederwaren en gros" at Ossenreyerstrasse 8
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Purchase of the house and opening of the store Gebrüder Blach Lederwarenhandlung
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Accommodation of a leather goods store
von 1883 bis 1938
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Forced sale by the Nazis, after that the Blachs were only tenants
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Friederic Blach flees with family to the USA
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The rest of the family flees to Berlin
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Last renovation of the house
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Texte, Klotz, Michael, jüdische Orte in Stralsund, Stralsund, 2019
Texte, "Förderverein Historische Warenhäuser Wertheim und Tietz in Stralsund e.V.", Stralsund, 2019
Internetseite "Artikel über die Familie Blach" der Ostseezeitung URL: (zuletzt abgerufen: 15.1.2020)
Internetseite "Audiotour über Jüdisches Leben und wirken in Stralsund" URL: (zuletzt abgerufen: 15.1.2020)
Internetseite "Flyer über Jüdische Plätze in Stralsund" URL: (zuletzt abgerufen: 15.1.2020)
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