Grain wholesaler - Dreifuss & Danziger
The address book of the city of Munich from 1926 contains the following entry: Dreifuß & Danziger Getreidegroßhandlung Senefelderstr. 6/1, F 58493 u. 57810 ( owner Ferdinand Dreifuß u. Hans Danziger ). -Hans Danziger was one of the 104 Jewish members of FC Bayern Munich and one of the 52 members who managed to emigrate to a safe foreign country, the USA. From the 1920s until his resignation in 1933, he was active in the youth department of FC Bayern Munich.
Mohren Pharmacy
David Littmann was born on July 12, 1882 in the USA. He bought a pharmacy in 1928. He was considered a respected trainer. His pharmacy ran well until 1933, when the Nazis came and they had to emigrate. In 1935, a purchase agreement was signed between Quermann and Littmann, but Quermann had not paid for the pharmacy. This delayed their departure until 1939, when the family moved back to the Littmann’s country of birth (USA). 1951 saw the restitution process and a claim by the Mohren Pharmacy on Littmann's part. He was supposed to pay 165,000 marks in compensation, but could not afford it.
Skins and smoked products - E. Kestenbaum & Son
Department store - Wilh. Jonas
The Jonas department store was built in 1907 by Alfons Jonas' father in Kiel - Gaarden. After the First World War, his son Alfons took over the business. Shortly after the National Socialists seized power in 1933, there was a call for a boycott of all Jewish businesses on April 1, 1933, which of course also affected the Jonas department store. In 1934, Alfons Jonas decided to emigrate. The family emigrated to Palestine via Switzerland. There, Alfons Jonas built up a new life for himself and his family in Haifa by founding a household goods business.
Furs and fur products - J. Einstein & Sons
The company was founded in 1867 in Jebenhausen by Joseph Einstein, an artist. When he moved to Güppingen in 1873, the business was also relocated to Burgstrasse 12 in Güppingen. In 1889, Alfred Einstein and Nathan Wortsmann joined the company as partners. When Alfred Einstein left in 1894, Adolph Einstein took his place in the business. Joseph Einstein died in 1898. In 1916 Adolph Einstein died and in 1918 N. Wortsmann. The deceased were succeeded by their widows. In 1921 there was another change in the company. Mrs. A. Einstein resigned and Stefan Banemann joined the company. In 1926 Mrs.
Lace house - Rosa Klauber
Department store - Julius Pick
Graphische Druckanstalt - Paul Isidor Landmann
Paul Isidor Landmann was born in Schifferstadt on June 20, 1881. His parents were Abraham Landmann, born on August 3, 1849 in Schifferstadt and Jeanette Landmann, née Richheimer, born on January 15, 1853 in Gemmingen. Paul Isidor Landmann was married to Martha Landmann, née Wertheimer, born May 19, 1894 in Kehl. The couple had four children. In 1907, Paul Isidor Landmann founded the " Graphische Druckanstalt Paul Isidor Landmann " in Mannheim. In 1938, the company was Aryanized.
Leather goods - Philipp Deutsch
In " Das Jüdische Adressbuch Frankfurts 1935 " the following entry is found in the address section: Deutsch Philipp, Lederwaren, Neue Mainzer Straße 60.